Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Research and Innovation

The sidewalks and road of thirteenth avenue between Anstett Hall and Clark Honors College is empty during winter break.

OVPRI's Campus Climate Action Plan

OVPRI aspires to be an organization where everyone feels welcome and included. In collaboration with wider campus climate efforts, OVPRI's goal for the 2023-24 academic year was Strengthening Connections: Teambuilding, Mentoring, and Leadership Development. This include a commitment to inclusive events, leadership development, new hire mentoring, remote/hybrid work, and web accessibility. 

Learn more about the OVPRI climate plan

Resources for Researchers

 Includes evidence-based strategies, toolkits, codes of conduct, trainings, and best practices for improving diversity and advancing equity, inclusion, and accessibility at all stages of research.
Reference our curated lists of funding opportunities to broaden participation and advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education, as well as access checklist, templates, and narrative text relevant for proposal development. 
Find guidance for ensuring research practices advance inclusion and equity in research impact.
DEI training contributes to the responsible and ethical conduct of research. These are just a few resources for finding free DEI resources for yourself, students, colleagues and team.
Peer higher educations institutions offer resource collections to enhance idea-sharing and collaboration.

OVPRI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEIC)

Appointed in August 2020, the OVPRI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEIC) provides leadership in the area of equity and inclusion, with a specific focus on critical issues for OVPRI staff and for the research community that OVPRI serves. 

O.V.P.R.I. DEIC Timeline 2023. 2020: DEI Committee appointed, charged and subcommittees formed. 2021: DEI listserv launched, Research Spotlight series relaunched, Diversity Action Plan (DAP) completed, and shared first climate survey results. 2022: Second Climate Survey results shared and Buddy System and onboarding resources launched. 2023: Phase 1 of DAP is currently at 90% implementation and on-track to be 100% implemented by the start of AY24.

Accomplishing Meaningful Change

Since 2020, the OVPRI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee has been developing new resources and programs to enhance climate and culture across our division. OVPRI staff serving on the DEIC have—and continue to—contribute valuable service to our community by developing and implementing an ambitious, high-impact Diversity Action Plan (DAP). Priority areas of focus identified in the DAP were reinforced in our division-level and institutional climate survey data, reflecting both the thoughtful planning of the committee in identifying the areas of highest priority and setting a strong foundation for our continued efforts to enhance climate in line with institutional-wide goals. Learn more about our progress to date and join us in acknowledging the impressive efforts of our DEIC members and contributors.

Read the full DEIC and DAP update

Images for Pathway Oregon taken at the Living and Learning Center on Friday, Jan. 22, 2016, on the University of Oregon campus in Eugene, Oregon.

Antiracism in Research 

We strive to learn, reflect, and take action to empower all members of our research community to embed antiracism across our institution’s research activities and operations. These efforts must extend to all facets of research engagement—from the development, design, and conduct of research activities, to the creation of new partnerships and collaborations, the equitable dissemination of research findings, and our office’s support and recognition of our research community.

The values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility are embedded in our institutional culture and community and are critical to advancing discovery and innovation. To that end, OVPRI has developed a strategic plan to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in research and innovation.

We recognize and value the many diverse experiences and identities offered by each member of our community. These differences are strengths as they afford us the opportunity to explore issues from a variety of perspectives.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan

Land Acknowledgement

The OVPRI supports the University's on-going efforts to support tribal communities and indigenous community members. We recognize the role academia and research institutions have and continue to play in colonialism, and as part of our recognition of that history and its contemporary manifestation, we are grateful to offer this land acknowledgement created by AVP Jason Younker in collaboration with the Grand Ronde and Siletz tribal nations: The University of Oregon is located within the traditional homelands of the Southern Kalapuya. Following the Willamette Valley Treaty of 1855, Kalapuya people were forcibly removed to the Coast Reservation in Western Oregon. Today, descendants are citizens of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Community of Oregon and the Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians of Oregon.