Reports & Metrics

Researcher at CAMCOR instrument control panel

Research Impact Statistics

UO scholars and researchers won a record amount of grants and awards in the 2023 fiscal year.

$180.2 million
external funding rose to
.3% increase
from the previous year
541 grants
awarded to investigators
  • The University of Oregon (UO) was awarded $180.2 million in grants, contracts and competitive awards in FY 24. 
  • The total comprised 409 awards.
  • Federal award support made up 91% of the total funding awarded in FY 24. 
  • 1,082 proposals were submitted requesting $721.1 million in total funding. 
  • Total expenditures in FY 24 totaled $169 million, an increase of 1.7% from the previous year. 
  • Research expenditures in FY 24 totaled $114.8 million, an increase of $6.3 million over the previous year. 


More information about unit-level proposals, awards, and expenditures can be found using our Research Stats tool


Innovation Impact Statistics

UO is a key contributor in the state's high innovation ranking: Oregon is #3 in the U.S. for innovation economy and business competitiveness.

$8.3 million
licensing revenue
UO rank in licensing per research dollar in the AAU
total existing startups with ties to the UO


Monthly Awards Reports

The Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation (OVPRI) provides a monthly summary of funding awards and projects at the University of Oregon. Please note that the monthly award reports do not include recurring task orders on existing grants., non-competitive continuations, and other types of supplemental funding.

Sponsored Project Services Annual Reporting

Sponsored Project Services (SPS), a service unit within the Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation (OVPRI), prepares an annual summary of sponsored activity at the University of Oregon.

Financial Reporting

The Business Affairs office at the University of Oregon provides a variety of financial statements and reports, including annual and quarterly financial reports for the University. Visit their financial reports page for more information.