News Archive

The red brick College of Education buildings at the University of Oregon seen from above.
October 17, 2023
Latinx children are more likely to be misdiagnosed with communications disorders. University of Oregon researchers are creating tools to advance equity in speech-language pathology.
View looking across a subalpine meadow with yellow wildflowers in bloom. The meadow is flanked by trees. In the background, the sun sets behind a jagged mountain peak.
October 9, 2023
A transdisciplinary research partnership between the University of Oregon and the Kō-Kwel/Coquille Indian Tribe will inform a land management plan and build relationships.
Landscape of a high desert portion of the Warm Springs reservation showing rolling hills of dry grassland.
October 4, 2023
The Indigenous data sovereignty research center will prioritize building relationships and fixing a systemic problem with new approaches.
Headshot of Michelle Jacob.
October 4, 2023
Michelle Jacob has received a grant from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to create resources for researchers that honor traditional Indigenous storytelling as key to research, equitable evaluation, and learning.
A large group of students surrounding Ernesto Martínez who is holding a painted guitar.
October 2, 2023
A University of Oregon professor authored a book and films to increase inclusivity for children who might otherwise not see themselves represented by their culture’s traditions.
A five-panel comic depicting a man canoeing down a river under the surface of which can be seen very large fish. In the final two panels he is shooting one of the fish with a bow and arrow.
May 24, 2023
Examining ideophonic imagery in Werikyana creation story as a part of a 30-year language revitalization partnership.