A person smiles while taking a bin containing zebrafish down from a shelf.

Research Core Facilities

The University of Oregon is home to a range of world-class research core facilities that provide researchers, industry partners, and students with access to the latest instrumentation and services. These facilities support scientific research by providing specific technologies, equipment, data acquisition and analysis, and expertise. They enhance research capacities, foster synergies between businesses and UO faculty, and offer training and project opportunities for students.

Get started: To use our Research Core Facilities, please contact the director of the relevant facility below or visit Research Core Business Services for more information about the Terms of Service.


The mission of Aquatic Animal Care Services is to support researchers using aquatic and semi-aquatic animal models, primarily fish, to study vertebrate genomics and vertebrate development by employing expert husbandry techniques, by supplying efficient and timely services, and by fostering a helpful, cooperative environment. The most widely used fish model at the University of Oregon is the zebrafish (Danio rerio).
Timothy Mason, Director
(541) 346-8980
CAMCOR a full service, comprehensive materials characterization center primarily housed in the Lorry I. Lokey Laboratories at the UO. We offer materials characterization services and equipment access to academic researchers and industry partners. The CAMCOR facilities was established in 2004 and most recently added a Multi Ion Source Plasma-FIB to its suite of instrumentation.
Stephen Golledge, Interim Director
(541) 346-3617
GC3F provides in-house services and specialized equipment, including Sanger DNA sequencing, microarray-based genotyping, microarray printing, robotics for high throughput manipulation of DNA samples, and next generation Illumina-based high throughput DNA sequencing and associated bioinformatics. As a part of the GC3F suite, the imaging facility supports scientific researchers and provides high resolution, state-of-the-art microscopy technologies for imaging.
Doug Turnbull, Director
(541) 346-5170


Comprising more than 6,000 square feet of greenhouse space and a one-acre field to support research and teaching activities, the UO Research Greenhouses serve as a core facility to support the research and teaching missions of faculty and students in multiple academic departments and institutes across the university, and multiple universities throughout the country.
Ruth Belcher, Manager
(541) 346-3920
LCNI supports interdisciplinary, multifaceted research in cognitive neuroscience and biological imaging. LCNI operate Siemens Skyra 3T and Prisma MRI systems and has full capabilities for the design and fabrication of MR coils to support a range of research needs and applications.
Ali Burggren, Director
(541) 346-0337
OFAD operates the scientific instrument machine shop and the fabrication and 3D printing labs at the UO. It is staffed by professional machinists who support internal and external research projects. They also train students and faculty in the safe operation of shop tools to further both research and education.
TeACS's mission is to provide excellent animal husbandry, veterinary care, and technical services; utilizing open, collaborative, friendly, and respectful communication to support researchers who utilize laboratory animals in order to improve human and animal health, and advance scientific knowledge.
Audrey Harris, Director
(541) 346-0115
A young child sleeping in bed with their head on a pillow.
UO researchers explore sleep’s role in kids’ mental health

Two UO faculty offer concrete ideas to improve child and adolescent sleep.

Read the full story

Other Campus Facilities

Supporting research computing at the University of Oregon by providing large-scale computing resources, performant storage, high-speed data transfer capabilities, and support for data sharing. Additionally, RACS provides consulting services in the computational sciences, training on the use RACS resources. Contact: racs@uoregon.edu
The Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact is home to the X-ray imaging core facility and a clean room to support the fabrication of next-generation micro-and nano-scale devices on traditional semiconductor substrates as well as soft materials.