Reports and Metrics

Researcher at CAMCOR instrument control panel

Research Impact Statistics

Research expenditures increased $7 million over FY 23 to $116 million.

$177 million
in external funding
$7 million
increase in research expenditures from the previous year
409 grants
awarded to investigators
  • The University of Oregon (UO) was awarded $177 million in grants, contracts and competitive awards in FY 24.
  • The total comprised 409 awards.
  • Federal award support made up 91% of the total funding awarded in FY 24.
  • 1,082 proposals were submitted requesting $721.1 million in total funding.
  • Total expenditures in FY 24 totaled $169 million, an increase of 1.7% from the previous year.
  • Research expenditures in FY 24 totaled $116 million, an increase of $7 million over the previous year. 


More information about unit-level proposals, awards, and expenditures can be found using our Research Stats tool. A UO VPN connection is required to view this report.

The Research Stats tool will be updated soon. Please reach out to for more information. 


Innovation Impact Statistics

UO is a key contributor in the state's high innovation ranking: Oregon is #3 in the U.S. for innovation economy and business competitiveness.

$7.7 million
licensing revenue
total copyright, trademark, and patent licenses
total active startups with ties to the UO


Monthly Awards Reports

The Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation (OVPRI) provides a monthly summary of funding awards and projects at the University of Oregon. Please note that the monthly award reports do not include recurring task orders on existing grants., non-competitive continuations, and other types of supplemental funding.

Sponsored Project Services Annual Reporting

Sponsored Project Services (SPS), a service unit within the Office of the Vice President for Research & Innovation (OVPRI), prepares an annual summary of sponsored activity at the University of Oregon.

Financial Reporting

The Business Affairs office at the University of Oregon provides a variety of financial statements and reports, including annual and quarterly financial reports for the University. Visit their financial reports page for more information.