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Technology Transfer Resources

The policies and concepts below are related to the development, protection, publication, and commercialization of intellectual property.


Licenses and Intellectual Property

Inventions, License Agreements, Educational & Professional Materials Development, Patents & Copyrights (II.07.02)

This policy outlines the general principle toward public access to and appropriation of research outcomes (intellectual property).

Conflict of Interest and Commitment

Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment, and Outside Activities (I.02.02)

Visit the Conflict of Interest webpage for detailed information about what outside activities are permitted as employees subject to Oregon state law. This policy is applicable to consulting, running a startup, licensing, and other tech transfer areas.

Sponsored Research

Research: Financial Conflict of Interest in (II.06.01)

This policy addresses potential conflicts of interest in sponsored research.


Research Publication

Proprietary Research (II.06.05)

This policy mandates that research outcomes should be published and not restricted for private purposes. It lays out the permissible exceptions, for example to protect intellectual property.

License Income Distribution

Licensing Income Distribution (II.07.01)

This policy is the default distribution of license income. Exceptions and waivers are agreed to by innovators ahead of distribution.

Internal Directives for Intellectual Property

A description and guidance on ownership for inventions and copyright materials developed by university employees. It outlines the obligations and rights of employees when disclosing, assigning, and licensing innovations, including the distribution of royalties and equity. 


Innovation Services Fee

The Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation has a cost recovery mechanism called the Innovation Services Fee. This article goes over the details of how and when it is applied. 





Course Materials

Related to the Internal Directives for Intellectual Property, this clarifies UO’s position on ownership and dissemination of course materials including copyright works and online platforms. 

Fair Use and Public Domain

The Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation has a cost recovery mechanism called the Innovation Services Fee. This article goes over the details of how and when it is applied. 

Student Participation

This guidance describes faculty supervision of student work, including internships and capstone projects that involve a company project. 


Faculty and Staff Consulting

Providing consulting falls under the outside activities policy. IIT, in conjunction with the Conflicts of Interest Office, can help you navigate the issues that arise as part of the arrangement. 





Data Access Permissions

Data management plans require specific permission structures for data availability. This article discusses how it affects your project. 


Read about the suite of agreements frequently seen in technology transfer on our Initiate a Transaction page. 

Export Control/ITAR

Learn more about how the UO handles the intersection of research, non-discrimination, and national security with respect to international collaboration. 



Copyright applies to any original expression fixed in tangible form. 

Inventions and Patents

Guidelines on inventions developed at UO and the filing and licensing of resulting patents. 


Ensure your identifiers — logos, trademarks, and unique names — are used properly. 


Contact Us to Discuss How Your Work Intersects with Technology Transfer