November 2023 New Awards
Alaska Department of Education & Early Development and University of Oregon, Center on Teaching & Learning Contract for the development of Literacy Measures for Native Alaskan Languages
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Gina Biancarosa
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development
Reviving and Regularizing Native Arts on UO Campus
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Emily Hartlerode
Evergreen State College
Hobsonville Point Archaeological Damage Assessment
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Oregon Department of Transportation
Freshman Success: Implementation of Comprehensive Universal Supports for School Engagement
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kent McIntosh
University of Oregon Foundation
The Impact of Natural Locomotion on Visual Processing [Diversity F31]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Shelby Sharp
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
ECP Supercontainers $175,000 supplement
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sameer Shende
Sandia National Laboratories
An Infrastructure for Performance Engineering using the MPI Tools Interface
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sameer Shende
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Motivating Homeowners to Take Wildfire Prepared Home Action[Assignment Agreement from SJSU]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Amanda Stasiewicz
San Jose State University
Cortical and subcortical neurophysiology in terminating movement [R01]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Nicki Swann
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Diagnosing the Unknown for Care and Advancing Science (DUCAS)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Monte Westerfield
Harvard University