March 2024 New Awards
The Eyes as a Window on Cognitive Processing During Reading
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Gina Biancarosa
Spencer Foundation
Reconnaissance/Baseline Survey (Archaeological Resources) for US101/OR540 (Coos Bay/North Bend), Phase 2 ADA Curb Ramps
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Andrew Boehm
Oregon Department of Transportation
NSF-BSF: Towards a Molecular Understanding of Dynamic Active Sites in Advanced Alkaline Water Oxidation Catalysts
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Shannon Boettcher
National Science Foundation
State-Space Dynamics of Natural and Psychedelic-Induced Awe
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Danny Brown
Usona Institute
(FRI Contract) Developing a Community-Optimized Family Care Plan Process
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Camille Cioffi
Friends Research Institute
PSW: Assessing the Social Organization of Forest Restoration in Northwest Forest Plan Wildfire Crisis Strategy Landscapes
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Michael Coughlan
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Northern Blues Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program Monitoring
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Michael Coughlan
Wallowa Resources
The Development of Novel Anion Receptors for Reactive Sulfur, Oxygen, and Nitrogen Species
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Andy Davis
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Warm Springs Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Aniko Drlik-Muehleck
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
Measures for Early Success Initiative (iSPEAK). Phase IV (to be authorized by future amendments)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Lillian Duran
University of Minnesota
CAREER: Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Understanding Earthquake Slip Complexity
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Brittany Erickson
National Science Foundation
PDG(Preschool Development Grant)& ARP EANS/GEER (Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools, diverted to governor's Emergency Education Relief II Grant) 23-24.
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kimberly Giansante
Lane Education Service District
Computational roles of inhibition in human action control [Diversity Supplement for Hayami Nishio]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ian Greenhouse
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Aim protein-based anti-inflammatory therapeutic for the treatment of IBD
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Karen Guillemin
KeyBiome LLC
Microbiome Modulation of Visual System Development [F32]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
David James
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Harnessing the reactivity of strained macrocycles to access discrete carbon nanostructures
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ramesh Jasti
National Science Foundation
ITk Production Collaboration with SLAC 2024
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Laura Jeanty
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Evaluating the relevance of collaborative fire risk and fuel management silviculture across productive federal lands of western Oregon
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
James Johnston
State of Oregon
Archaeological Desktop Assessment for the Marion County Evidence Building
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Marion County OR
Transpacific Resonances: Pahk Induk’s Radio Lectures, Voice of America, and the Cultural Politics of Wartime Radio
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jina Kim
The Academy of Korean Studies
Neural Transformations Linking Perception and Memory
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Brice Kuhl
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Fibroblast-lineage cell state transitions during zebrafish fin regeneration [F31 resubmission]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Hannah Markovic
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Senjafuda Digitization Project
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kevin Mc Dowell
Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance
Pilot Validation of the Rapid Alaska Brain Injury Tool
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Melissa McCart
Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority
Oregon Screening Project 2023-2025
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Chris Murray
Oregon Department of Education
Cephalopod Neuroscience Conference
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Cristopher Niell
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Experimental Mediation Research Aimed at Enhancing Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Alayna Park
Oregon Social Learning Center
Collaborative Proposal: CPS Medium: Physics-informed Learning and Control of Passive and Hybrid Conditioning Systems in Buildings
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Alexandra Rempel
National Science Foundation
RAPID: Investigating the triggers of the 2023 Wrangell, Alaska landslides
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Josh Roering
University of Alaska
Section 106 Determinations of Eligibility (Historic Resources) for the OR99W/OR18 Curb Ramps (McMinnville)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Chris Ruiz
Oregon Department of Transportation
E 18th Ave and Hilyard St Traffic Signal Modifications Project: Archaeological Baseline and Historic Resources Baseline
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Chris Ruiz
City of Eugene
New Directions Fellowship [Mellon Foundation]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Camisha Russell
University of Oregon Foundation
Phase 3 Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Adjunctive KarXT in Subjects with Inadequately Controlled Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Fred Sabb
Karuna Therapeutics
Mobile Crisis Academy (MCA)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
John Seeley
Association of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs
The Annual Recruitment of Dungeness Crab Megalopae and the Prediction of the Future Commercial Catch; Funding for Spring/Summer 2023
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Alan Shanks
Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission
PESO: Partnering for Scientific Software Ecosystem Stewardship Opportunities (JA)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sameer Shende
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
PESO: Partnering for Scientific Software Ecosystem Stewardship Opportunities
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sameer Shende
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Health Maps as Behavioral Interventions: Bridging Psychological Distance of Environmental Justice
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Cathy Slavik
Society of Behavioral Medicine
Pre-fire planning for post-fire hazards: Barriers and opportunities across jurisdictions
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Amanda Stasiewicz
Northern Arizona University
Protect Our Children 2023-2025
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jeff Todahl
Tides Center
USGS PO 140G0323P0317
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Douglas Turnbull
U.S. Geological Survey
CAREER: Structure-Specific Fluorescence Spectroscopy to Probe Conformational Heterogeneity in Macromolecules
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Julia Widom
National Science Foundation