Fiscal Year
2024 New Awards
Thermal Characterization of Proprietary Material
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Matthias Agne
Solid Power
MRI: Track 1 Physical Property Measurement System for diverse materials research and education
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Matthias Agne
National Science Foundation
Risk of Physiological and Cognitive Impairments in Older Adults to an Extreme Heat Event
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jessica Atencio
American Psychological Association
New PI Subaward: SaTC: CORE: Small: Investigating and Mitigating Harmful Design in User-Generated Virtual World through Design Moderation
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sunny Bai
Pennsylvania State University
The Great Family ShakeOut: A Novel Simulation Technique to Investigate Parent/Child Responding to ShakeAlert-Powered Earthquake Early Warning
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Dare Baldwin
U.S. Department of Interior (DOI)
DLCD: The Equity Analysis Project with SCYP
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Megan Banks
Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
New PI Subaward: A Test of the Implementation of ParentCorps in Corpus Christi Independent School District
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sarah Kate Bearman
University of Texas at Austin
Grant Transfer: Mental Health Literacy Curriculum
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sarah Kate Bearman
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Recapitulating the native tendon microenvironment through design of degradable, anisotropic engineered extracellular matrices [R21 - Re-submission NIH ASSIST ID: 1603898]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Danielle Benoit
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Tissue Engineering Strategies to Revitalize Allografts
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Danielle Benoit
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Development of a Sjögren's Syndrome tissue chip
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Danielle Benoit
University of Rochester
Construal Level as a Novel Pathway for Affect Regulation and Cancer Control [Administrative Supplement]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Elliot Berkman
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Construal Level as a Novel Pathway for Affect Regulation and Cancer Control [Diversity Supplement - Kaitlyn Werner]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Elliot Berkman
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
NIH R34 (resub): Recovery High Schools as Continuing Care: Long-Term Recovery Effects and Mechanisms of Change
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Lauren Berny
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
MOCCA for Use in Middle and High School
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Gina Biancarosa
Amplify Education, Inc.
The Eyes as a Window on Cognitive Processing During Reading
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Gina Biancarosa
Spencer Foundation
Contract to develop a K-3 Literacy Screener for Louisiana Department of Education in collaboration with Amplify Education, Inc.
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Gina Biancarosa
Amplify Education, Inc.
Boost Reading Efficacy: Evaluating the impact of a widely-used, supplemental, digital reading program on elementary school literacy
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Gina Biancarosa
Stanford University
The Eyes as a Window on Cognitive Processing During Reading
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Gina Biancarosa
Spencer Foundation
The role of cortactin-mediated actin branch stabilization in force-producing actin networks (F32)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Brody Bills
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
The role of cortactin-mediated actin branch stabilization in force-producing actin networks (F32)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Brody Bills
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
OR42: Brockway Roundabout Subsurface Probing
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Andrew Boehm
Oregon Department of Transportation
Reconnaissance/Baseline Survey (Archaeological Resources) for US101/OR540 (Coos Bay/North Bend), Phase 2 ADA Curb Ramps
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Andrew Boehm
Oregon Department of Transportation
Supplement to CCI Phase I: Center for Interfacial Ionics
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Shannon Boettcher
National Science Foundation
NSF-BSF: Towards a Molecular Understanding of Dynamic Active Sites in Advanced Alkaline Water Oxidation Catalysts
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Shannon Boettcher
National Science Foundation
Harmonic and functional analysis of wavelet and frame expansions
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Marcin Bownik
National Science Foundation
Integrative Curriculum: Connecting the Past and the Future in International Studies
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Yvonne Braun
U.S. Department of Education (USDE)
State-Space Dynamics of Natural and Psychedelic-Induced Awe
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Danny Brown
Usona Institute
CAREER: Colloidal Nanoparticle Interfaces Probed by Vibrational Sum-Frequency Scattering Spectroscopy
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Carl Brozek
National Science Foundation
Oregon Water Quality Program Assessment Tool Development (DEQ-RARE)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Josh Bruce
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Oregon Capital Scan Scope and Methods Assessment
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Josh Bruce
Oregon Community Foundation
2024-25 Co-operative Research Agreement between the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, Japan (METI) and Institute for Policy Research and Engagement (IPRE), University of Oregon, U.S.A.
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Josh Bruce
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Business Oregon Task Order #5: External Recruitment Assessment
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Josh Bruce
Business Oregon
Categorification of quasi-split \iota-quantum groups and related topics in representation theory
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jon Brundan
National Science Foundation
Extending the London Stage Database
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Mattie Burkert
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Collaborative Research: A multidisciplinary reexamination of the precursory activity for an archetype M7 eruption, Mount Mazama, Oregon
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Katharine Cashman
National Science Foundation
TIPS (Team-Initiated Problem Solving) Evaluation: An Effectiveness Replication of a Widely-Used Problem-Solving Process for Data Teams Implementing Schoolwide Behavior Supports
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Erin Chaparro
U.S. Department of Education (USDE)
Postdoctoral Fellowship: OPP-PRF: Mapping Antarctic geodiversity: Assessing people, place, and abiotic nature in the McMurdo Dry Valleys
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Stephen Chignell
National Science Foundation
Runtime I/O Prediction and Optimization for Supercomputers
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Hank Childs
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
In Situ Data Analysis Through Physics-constrained and Goal-oriented Tensor Decompositions
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jee Choi
Sandia National Laboratories
Historical simulations of Greenland ice-sheet dynamics: the imprint of early ice loss on recent and future change [NSF transfer from Georgia Tech]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
John Christian
National Science Foundation
Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Krista Chronister
National Science Foundation
(FRI Contract) Developing a Community-Optimized Family Care Plan Process
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Camille Cioffi
Friends Research Institute
RCAC/EPA Region 10 Water Infrastructure Environmental Finance Center
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ben Clark
Rural Community Assistance Corporation
A Randomized Controlled Trial to Assess the Efficacy of the NumberShire Level K Gaming Intervention for Improving Math Outcomes for Students With or At Risk for Math Learning Disabilities (NSKE)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ben Clarke
Boston University
Klamath-Lake Forest Health Partnership All-Lands Monitoring, 2024-2025 (Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Michael Coughlan
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
PSW: Assessing the Social Organization of Forest Restoration in Northwest Forest Plan Wildfire Crisis Strategy Landscapes
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Michael Coughlan
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Northern Blues Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program Monitoring
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Michael Coughlan
Wallowa Resources
Advancing understanding of racism-related health disparities beginning before birth: A multisite study with Black and Latina pregnant women
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sheila Crowell
Georgia State University
Development of a Technology-Supported Adaptive Intervention for Young Children with Language Disorders and their Spanish-speaking Caregivers
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Lauren Cycyk
U.S. Department of Education (USDE)
Design of 3D printing process for the preparation of porous biocompatible scaffolds.
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Paul Dalton
Univerzita Tomase Bati ve Zline
Optimization of 3D printing processes of functional systems for nerve tissue regeneration.
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Paul Dalton
Univerzita Tomase Bati ve Zline
Doctoral Dissertation Research: Categorial Gradience in Syntax
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Don Daniels
National Science Foundation
The Development of Novel Anion Receptors for Reactive Sulfur, Oxygen, and Nitrogen Species
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Andy Davis
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Collaborative Research: Sustained Resources: Neotoma: Advancing US-EAR Contributions to Global Change Research via Solutions that Accelerate Growth of Well-Curated Open Paleodata
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Edward Davis
National Science Foundation
Truffles of Willamette Valley oak savanna: assessing the response of hypogeous fungi to the re-introduction of fire
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Heather Dawson
Stuntz Mycology Fund
Evidence-based intervention enhancements to reduce language delays and disorders among children of parents with substance use disorders
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Stephanie De Anda
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Interactions of Transition Metal Ions with RNA: Structure and Function
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Vickie De Rose
National Science Foundation
Scalable fabrication of high-density amorphous silicon carbide microelectrode arrays for chronic neural interfacing
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Felix Deku
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Determining trophic relationships between invasive European green crabs (Carcinus maenas) and shellfish communities in the South Slough.
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Lizzie Diehl
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Collaborative Research: Testing Models for Fluvial Response to Eocene Terrane Collision in Western Oregon Using Integrated Tectono-Stratigraphy and Detrital Provenance Analysis
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Rebecca Dorsey
National Science Foundation
NPS: Cultural Adaptation of Family Check-Up to Reduce Health Disparities and Improve Mental Health among Hispanic Families
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jen Doty
Northwest Prevention Science Inc.
(NIH R34) Adaptation of Family Check-Up Online in the Latinx Community to Reduce Youth Substance Use.
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jen Doty
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Does Nutrition Supplementation Improve Muscle Physiology in Older Adults with Hip Fracture
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Hans Dreyer
University of Iowa
Greater Eastern Oregon Comprehensive Economic Development Plan
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Aniko Drlik-Muehleck
U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC)
Oregon Heritage Vitality Study
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Aniko Drlik-Muehleck
Oregon Parks & Recreation Department
Monmouth Alley Concept Plan
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Aniko Drlik-Muehleck
City of Monmouth
City of Phoenix Parks Plan Update
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Aniko Drlik-Muehleck
City of Phoenix Oregon
Warm Springs Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Aniko Drlik-Muehleck
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
TranscendentHealth - Adapting an LGB+ inclusive teen pregnancy prevention program for transgender boys
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Zachary DuBois
Center for Innovative Public Health Research
Forward Geophysical Modeling of the Three Sisters Volcanic Complex, OR, USA: Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Josef Dufek
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Transport Dynamics and Mobility of Large-Scale Submarine Volcaniclastic Density Currents at Hunga Volcano, Tonga
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Josef Dufek
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Integrating Petrochronology, Magma Dynamics, and Volcanic Unrest at the Three Sisters Volcanic Complex
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Josef Dufek
National Science Foundation
Investigation of Particle Charging
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Josef Dufek
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Sapsik’walá GYO Program Accelerator
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Rena Dunbar
Meyer Memorial Trust
CICI: TCR: A Unified Monitoring Approach to Enhancing the Resiliency and Security of Multi-Hazard Workflows on Heterogeneous Infrastructures
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ram Durairajan
Rutgers University
NSF Student Travel Support for 2024 ACM SIGCOMM Conference in Australia
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ram Durairajan
National Science Foundation
Measures for Early Success Initiative (iSPEAK). Phase IV (to be authorized by future amendments)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Lillian Duran
University of Minnesota
2024-25 von Neumann Fellowship
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ellen Eischen
Institute for Advanced Study
CRESCENT Annual Meeting
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jill Elizabeth
U.S. Geological Survey
Advancing Simulations of Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Brittany Erickson
University of Southern California
CAREER: Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Understanding Earthquake Slip Complexity
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Brittany Erickson
National Science Foundation
Embedding methodological development in social science research: 2022
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Clare Evans
Economic and Social Research Council (Research Councils UK)
City of Cascade Locks Downtown Plan
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Amanda Ferguson
City of Cascade Locks
Analysis of Land Use Regulations Related to Climate Change on the Oregon Coast
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Amanda Ferguson
Willamette Partnership
Jefferson County Parks Master Plan
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Amanda Ferguson
Jefferson County
Crook County Parks and Recreation Assessment Project
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Amanda Ferguson
Crook County Parks & Recreation District
SAIL Mentor Program Grants: Springfield School District #19 - Fall 2024
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Lara Fernandez
Springfield School District 19
Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Preadolescent Children: Examining Diagnostic Correlates in the Context of Intergenerational Risk [OSLER]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Olivia Frigoletto
Oregon Health and Science University
Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Preadolescent Children: Examining Diagnostic Correlates in the Context of Intergenerational Risk [OSLER]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Olivia Frigoletto
Oregon Health and Science University
FSML: A small nearshore research vessel for the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Aaron Galloway
National Science Foundation
Fulbright FLTA - Summer 2024
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Dennis Galvan
Institute of International Education (IIE)
The Bean in the Machine: The Global History of Coffee under Italian Fascism
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Diana Garvin
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Assessing and projecting post-fire transitions and reburn dynamics in the western Cascades
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Dan Gavin
Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)
Head Start Reimbursement for Early Childhood CARES Services FY24
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kimberly Giansante
Head Start of Lane County
ARP EANS/GEER- American Rescue Plan, Emergency Assistance to non-Public Schools & Governor's Emergency Education Relief funds 23/24
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kimberly Giansante
Lane Education Service District
ESSER Funds Oregon Department of Education 2022-2024
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kimberly Giansante
Lane Education Service District
ecWeb Data system for Oregon EI/ECSE programs FY 24/25
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kimberly Giansante
Oregon Department of Education
PDG(Preschool Development Grant)& ARP EANS/GEER (Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools, diverted to governor's Emergency Education Relief II Grant) 23-24.
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kimberly Giansante
Lane Education Service District
BPC-AE: Researching Equity and Antiracist Leaning in Computer Science (Real-CS)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Joanna Goode
National Science Foundation
[E2REU Supplemental Funding Request]The Ethics of Sharing Results with Research Participants: Establishing Best Practices for Development Economics
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Melissa Graboyes
National Science Foundation
Applegate Valley Economic Drivers Study
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Melissa Graciosa
A Greater Applegate (AGA)
Computational roles of inhibition in human action control [Diversity Supplement for Hayami Nishio]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ian Greenhouse
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Countess™ Automated Bacterial Assessment"
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Karen Guillemin
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Mechanism of BefA, a bacterial protein that promotes pancreatic beta cell proliferation and function
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Karen Guillemin
Oregon Health and Science University
Aim protein-based anti-inflammatory therapeutic for the treatment of IBD
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Karen Guillemin
KeyBiome LLC
Modular Lego-Like Scaffolds for In-theater Craniofacial Regeneration
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Bob Guldberg
Oregon Health and Science University
EDA Microfluidics Tech Hub (Corvallis Microfluidics Tech Hub)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Tina Guldberg
Oregon State University
Soccer cleat biomechanics research
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Mike Hahn
Puma SE
Decision support data system planning
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Mark Hammond
South Lane School District #45J3
Deciphering the Mechanism of SHIP1 Regulation in Human neutrophils (Diversity admin supplement)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Scott Hansen
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Molecular and Atomic Engineering of Interfacial Electro-catalytic Environments (MARIE)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Gary Harlow
University of Minnesota
Evolution of new protein function in the multi-protein, multi-functional Toll-like receptor 4 complex
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Mike Harms
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
FY24 Oregon Arts Commission Designated Partner
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Emily Hartlerode
Oregon Arts Commission
OCT 2024 Roster Artist Convening - Supplemental WESTAF
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Emily Hartlerode
Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF)
NEA Project CY24-25: to convene and support TAAP, Roster artists
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Emily Hartlerode
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
Assessing Cultural Sustainability Impact in Apprenticeship Programs
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Emily Hartlerode
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
OCT 2024 Roster Artist Convening
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Emily Hartlerode
Oregon Cultural Trust
NEA FY24 support for OFN as Oregon Arts Commission's designated partner
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Emily Hartlerode
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
FY24 Oregon Arts Commission Designated Partner
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Emily Hartlerode
Oregon Arts Commission
Does feeling holier than others make one more or less moral? The effect of the belief in moral self-superiority on moral judgment, action, and sanctioning.
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sara Hodges
Katholieke Universiteit (KU) Leuven
Sonic hedgehog signaling and skeletal patterning during zebrafish fin regeneration (F31 resubmission)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sam Horst
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Grant transfer: Efficiently Computing and Updating Topological Descriptors for Data Analysis
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Tao Hou
National Science Foundation
Hood River County NHMP and CWPP Updates
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Michael Howard
Hood River County
Lincoln County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (NHMP) Update
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Michael Howard
Oregon Emergency Management
Curry County Population and Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment (DR-4499)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Michael Howard
Oregon Emergency Management
Family Check-Up for Asian American Families Demonstration Project
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Cindy Huang
Columbia University
Protecting Watershed Function After Fire: An Evaluation of Pre-Fire Planning Tools and Governance Conditions to Mitigate Post-Fire Effects in Forest Ecosystems
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Heidi Huber-Stearns
U.S. Department of Interior (DOI)
National Stewardship Contracting Monitoring
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Heidi Huber-Stearns
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Identifying opportunities for advancing forest and fire workforce pathways
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Heidi Huber-Stearns
University of Oregon Foundation
OASIS: Organization for the Advancement and Stewardship of Integrated Software
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kevin Huck
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Microbiome Modulation of Visual System Development [F32]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
David James
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Harnessing the reactivity of strained macrocycles to access discrete carbon nanostructures
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ramesh Jasti
National Science Foundation
ITk Production Collaboration with SLAC 2024
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Laura Jeanty
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
ITk DAQ collaboration 2024, LBNL and UO
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Laura Jeanty
U.S Department of Energy (DOE)
ATLAS Inner Detector Operations and Inner Tracker Upgrade Support [Position Title and FTE Correction only]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Laura Jeanty
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Japan Foundation Japanese Studies Fellowship Program
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Mew Jiang
Japan Foundation
The Visual, Material, and Symbolic Life of Karuta Playing Cards in Early Modern Japan, Seventeenth to Nineteenth Century
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Mew Jiang
Japan Foundation
USGS Oregon Water Science Center (ORWSC) and University of Oregon (UofO) Cooperative Agreement with Space
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Qusheng Jin
U.S. Geological Survey
2024-25 Flagship Student Support
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Zhuo Jing-Schidmt
Institute of International Education (IIE)
Supramolecular Capture and Release of PFAS: SEEDing the Center for Aqueous Supramolecular Chemistry
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Darren Johnson
Research Corporation for Science Advancement
Strengthening Equity-Based Schools Training
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Emily Johnson
The Ford Family Foundation
Evaluating the relevance of collaborative fire risk and fuel management silviculture across productive federal lands of western Oregon
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
James Johnston
State of Oregon
Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Coupling bulk and surface processes in simulating the solid earth with ASPECT and LandLab
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Leif Karlstrom
National Science Foundation
The Eco Jurisprudence Monitor Phase 3: Enhancing User Engagement
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Craig Kauffman
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
The Eco Jurisprudence Monitor Phase 3: Enhancing the User Engagement
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Craig Kauffman
Environment Now
Intensification of Continuous Alkaline Electrochemical Ironmaking with Net-Negative CO2 Emissions at Cost Parity with Pig Iron
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Paul Kempler
Form Energy
Domestic production and manufacturing of electrical steels with zero carbon emission
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Paul Kempler
Ore electrolysis in seawater for the production of alloys for steelmaking
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Paul Kempler
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Archaeological Desktop Assessment for the Marion County Evidence Building
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Marion County OR
OR 8 at 174th Avenue, Armco Avenue, Main Street, and A&B Row Archaeological Baseline Survey
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Oregon Department of Transportation
Archaeological Monitoring 2024 Vegetation Planting at Kilchis-Porter
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Nature Conservancy
F & W Fence Company Coldwell Banker Project Archaeological Monitoring
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Coldwell Banker Mountain West Real Estate, Inc.
Oregon State Capitol Vietnam War Memorial Project Phase I Archaeological Monitoring
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
The Vietnam War Memorial Fund
F & W Fence Company Arches Fence Project Archaeological Monitoring
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Mid-Willamette Valley Community Action
OR22: Perrydale Rd to Kings Valley Highway Project Archaeological Investigations
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Oregon Department of Transportation
I-5 Kuebler to Delaney Widening Archaeological Monitoring
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Oregon Department of Transportation
Archaeological and Built Environment Baseline Surveys for the Lundy Ditch Project, Deschutes County
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Deschutes River Conservancy
Shangrila Wetlands Habitat Reserve Archaeological Monitoring at 35CLT47
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
North Coast Land Conservancy
Umpqua District Office Built Environment Baseline Survey
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
Garibaldi Urban Upgrades Project Archaeological Monitoring
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Oregon Department of Transportation
Archaeological Survey for the G & G2 Lateral Project, Central Oregon Irrigation District
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Central Oregon Irrigation District
OR 213 (SE 82nd Ave) Paving & Safety Inadvertent Discovery
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
OR202: Dresden St. to 4th St. Archaeological Monitoring Additional Days
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Oregon Department of Transportation
OR 202: Dresden St. to 4th St. Archaeological Monitoring
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Oregon Department of Transportation
TPUD Garibaldi Hwy 101 Repaving Project Archaeological Monitoring
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Tillamook People's Utility District
Turtle Island Cultural Resources Survey
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
City of Westfir
OR42: Brockway Roundabout Archaeological Baseline
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
Oregon Department of Transportation
Black Butte School Addition Archaeological Investigations
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
HMK Company
IES: Developing and pilot testing a brief mindfulness-based intervention to promote self-determination skills among high school youth with disabilities
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Atika Khurana
U.S. Department of Education (USDE)
Transpacific Resonances: Pahk Induk’s Radio Lectures, Voice of America, and the Cultural Politics of Wartime Radio
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jina Kim
The Academy of Korean Studies
Korean Literature Association Conference 2022
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jina Kim
Literature Translation Institute of Korea
Classical Representation Theory and Categorification
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Alexander Kleshchev
National Science Foundation
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Chris Knowles
Oregon Department of Human Services
Communicating ‘Truth:’ Consumption and transmission of polarized information amongst young people in a divided society
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Mariah Kornbluh
Queens University Belfast
Neural Transformations Linking Perception and Memory
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Brice Kuhl
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Neural mechanisms for reducing interference during episodic memory formation
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Brice Kuhl
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Understanding Privacy Preferences Around the Developing World (New Subcontract #00011720)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Michael Kuhn
University of California - Berkeley
Conserving Northwest Forests at Risk from Emerging Threats
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
James Lamping
National Park Foundation
EAGER: Assessing Societal and Economic Impacts of Place-Based Innovation
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Lauren Lanahan
National Science Foundation
Archaeological Baseline Survey for the Fern Ridge Wildlife Area, South Coyote II Project
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Brian Lane
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
Characterization of engineered system components for advanced electrodialysis
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kurt Langworthy
Lawrence-Berkeley National Laboratory
The Noble Dome Air-free Sample Transfer System: A Novel Solution to Enable Characterization of Atmosphere-sensitive Samples
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kurt Langworthy
National Science Foundation
Oak Ridge National Lab Materials Characterization
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kurt Langworthy
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Bi-polar membrane characterization for LBNL
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kurt Langworthy
Regents of the University of California
Inclusive Planning for Automated Transportation
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Nico Larco
City of Seattle, Washington
MOU: Targeted Pathways Course Iteration Pilot Instructor FHS215
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Heather Leonard
Open Oregon Educational Resources
(NIDA R24) A Patient Engagement Resource Center using Community-Based Participatory Action Research to Support Parents with Substance Use Disorders
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Leslie Leve
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Protecting Consumers Face Biometric Data in Financial Services
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Joe Li
University of Oregon
BGPeye: A New Border Gateway Protocol Security Monitoring Service
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jun Li
University of Oregon Foundation
Recombination pathway and partner choices during meiosis [R35 Equip Supp]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Diana Libuda
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Recombination pathway and partner choices during meiosis [R35 Equip Supp]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Diana Libuda
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Navigating New Currents: Improving literacy outcomes for Pacific Island students through family-school partnerships
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
John Lind
U.S. Department of Education (USDE)
Risk Perception and Tolerance in Contraceptive Use
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Krystale Littlejohn
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Neuronal and theoretical analysis of subjective value representations [MIRA R35]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Shawn Lockery
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Focused Childcare Network GrantOregon Department of Early Learning and Care
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jon Marchetta
Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care
Structure and Relations of Protein and Nucleic Acids
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Andy Marcus
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Fibroblast-lineage cell state transitions during zebrafish fin regeneration [F31 resubmission]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Hannah Markovic
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Vitamin B12 trafficking and selectivity in gut bacteria (R00)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Romila Mascarenhas Prabhu
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
STTR: A Digital Health Technology to Prevent Family Violence and Improve Child Mental Health
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Anne Marie Mauricio
Northwest Prevention Science Inc.
Senjafuda Digitization Project
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kevin Mc Dowell
Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance
Pilot Validation of the Rapid Alaska Brain Injury Tool
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Melissa McCart
Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority
The Ballmer Wellness Project
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kate McLaughlin
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Collaborative Research: Constraining next generation Cascadia earthquake and tsunami hazard scenarios through integration of high-resolution field data and geophysical models
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Diego Melgar Moctezuma
National Science Foundation
2024 Pacific Gas & Electric Gift Funds for CRESCENT Research
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Diego Melgar Moctezuma
Oregon State University
Integrating Urban Agriculture and Architectural Design through Research, Education, and Extension
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Gwynne Mhuireach
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Molecular mechanisms of electrical synapse formation in vivo
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Adam Miller
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
TRANSIT- Triggering Regional Accessibility and Networks for Sustainable Intelligent Transportation
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kiersten Muenchinger
Identifying Targets for Interventions to Improve Functional Ability to Work over the Life Course
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kathleen Mullen
Harvard University
Oregon Screening Project 2023-2025
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Chris Murray
Oregon Department of Education
Pathways to Competitive Integrated Employment in Oregon: A Collective Impact Community Empowerment Model
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Chris Murray
U.S. Department of Education (USDE)
University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education and Service (UCEDD) 2024-2025 Continuation
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Chris Murray
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Unmasking neuromodulatory control of locomotion
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
James Murray
Washington University
Early Mathematics Interventions: A Meta-analysis of Group-based interventions to inform targeted intervention for students with math difficulty (IES Meta)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Gena Nelson
U.S. Department of Education (USDE)
Cephalopod Neuroscience Conference
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Cristopher Niell
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
HHMI Gilliam Fellowship
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Cristopher Niell
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Condensin connects 3D genome organization, chromosomal segregation, and gene regulation via its interactions with transcription-related factors MRF Emergency Interim Support Grant
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ken-ichi Noma
Oregon Health and Science University
Partisan Prescriptions: The Polarization of Health Outcomes [Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Neil O'Brian
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Online Pharmaceuticals and Counterfeit Medicines: Developing Argument Strength Models for Addressing Consumer Attitudes, Perceptions, Behaviors
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
S. Senyo Ofori-Parku
Oregon Consumer Justice
Experimental Mediation Research Aimed at Enhancing Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Alayna Park
Oregon Social Learning Center
Oregon Vineyard and Winery Report for 2023
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Robert Parker
Oregon Wine Board
Oregon Vineyard and Winery Report for 2024
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Robert Parker
Oregon Wine Board
NASA Europa ICONS Summer Internship Mentor
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Carol Paty
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Particle Environment Package (PEP) is selected to fly on the Jupiter Icy moon Explorer (JUICE) [JUICE PEP Hi-Phase E][Cruise Phase 7/1/23-06/30/31][Nominal Mission Tasks 07/01/31-09/30/2035]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Carol Paty
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Planning: CRISES: Science Communication for Resilient Environments and Societies (SCORES)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ellen Peters
National Science Foundation
NSF-SSRC: Risk communication in low and high-affect contexts
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ellen Peters
National Science Foundation
NSF-BSF: C*-algebras and dynamics beyond the Elliott program
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
N Phillips
National Science Foundation
Natural variation underlying extraordinary lifespan
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Patrick Phillips
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Genome engineering for a novel post-reproductive genetic screen for increased longevity
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Patrick Phillips
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Next Generation Large-Scale Gene Synthesis
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Calin Plesa
M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Analytic Langlands correspondence
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Alexander Polishchuk
National Science Foundation
Categorical Invariants of Matroids
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Nicholas Proudfoot
National Science Foundation
FY23 CPB Grant Allocation
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Greg Raschio
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Second-Year Russian OER
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Lara Ravitch
Open Oregon Educational Resources
Semiconductor Workforce & Talent Development Grant (SWTDG)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Anshuman Razdan
State of Oregon
REU Supplement to CPS Medium Award: Physics-Informed Learning and Control of Passive and Hybrid Conditioning Systems in Buildings
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Alexandra Rempel
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Proposal: CPS Medium: Physics-informed Learning and Control of Passive and Hybrid Conditioning Systems in Buildings
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Alexandra Rempel
National Science Foundation
NCC Project
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kay Reyna
Neuro Community Care
QE: A circadian lighting design guide for existing buildings
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Siobhan Rockcastle
Quinn Evans
RAPID: Investigating the triggers of the 2023 Wrangell, Alaska landslides
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Josh Roering
University of Alaska
[Award Transfer #15PNIJ-22-GC-04410-DNAX]: Quantifying the accuracy of low quality DNA sample analysis from genotyping to genealogical searching and integration as a bioinformatic pipeline
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Rori Rohlfs
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
Bone-like organoids to understand factors controlling local bone immune response and regeneration[K99-R00 application, NIH ASSIST ID: 10864723]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Genevieve Romanowicz
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Expanding Understanding of Support for Students of Color in STEM Educator Career Pathways: An Educational Ecosystem Approach
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jerry Rosiek
National Science Foundation
CAREER: Inviting all 21st century problem-solvers: Building equity by de-tracking middle school mathematics instruction
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jennifer Ruef
National Science Foundation
African American Citywide Historic Context Statement, Eugene, Lane County
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Chris Ruiz
City of Eugene
Soda Mountain Fire Lookout Determination of Eligibility, Jackson County
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Chris Ruiz
Emergency Communications of Southern Oregon (ECSO)
Archaeological Monitoring for the Corvallis Piper Rehabilitation Piper Burst & Open Cut, Benton County, Oregon
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Chris Ruiz
K & R Plumbing Construction Co Inc
Section 106 Determinations of Eligibility (Historic Resources) for the OR99W/OR18 Curb Ramps (McMinnville)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Chris Ruiz
Oregon Department of Transportation
E 18th Ave and Hilyard St Traffic Signal Modifications Project: Archaeological Baseline and Historic Resources Baseline
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Chris Ruiz
City of Eugene
New Directions Fellowship [Mellon Foundation]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Camisha Russell
University of Oregon Foundation
Kar013: An Open-label Extension Study to Assess the Long-term Safety and Tolerability of Adjunctive KarXT in Subjects with Inadequately Controlled Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Fred Sabb
Karuna Therapeutics
PeaceHealth Clinical High Risk Evaluation Study
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Fred Sabb
PeaceHealth Oregon Region
Phase 3 Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Adjunctive KarXT in Subjects with Inadequately Controlled Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Fred Sabb
Karuna Therapeutics
Path Effects in Earthquake Source Models from Crustal Deformation
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Valerie Sahakian
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
An Initial Efficacy Trial of the Early Learning Matters (ELM) Curriculum
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sara Schmitt
U.S. Department of Education (USDE)
R21 Sub: Supporting high-intensity interval training with mindfulness for enhancing childhood executive function
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sara Schmitt
Purdue University
Oregon Experimental Relativity Group: Characterizing and Mitigating Environmental Influences to Improve LIGO's Astrophysical Sensitivity
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Robert Schofield
National Science Foundation
Strong Start Program [2023-2025]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Grant Schoonover
State of Oregon
3/4 Adapting Treatments for Suicidal College Students: A Multisite Trial- NCE Subaward to Duke 2024-2025
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
John Seeley
Duke University
Mobile Crisis Academy (MCA)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
John Seeley
Association of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs
The Annual Recruitment of Dungeness Crab Megalopae and the Prediction of the Future Commercial Catch; Funding for Spring/Summer 2023
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Alan Shanks
Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission
An Infrastructure for Performance Engineering using the MPI Tools Interface
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sameer Shende
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Integrating build & test capabilities in E4S for DOE NNSA system platforms
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sameer Shende
Sandia National Laboratories
PESO: Partnering for Scientific Software Ecosystem Stewardship Opportunities (JA)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sameer Shende
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
PESO: Partnering for Scientific Software Ecosystem Stewardship Opportunities
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sameer Shende
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Software Tools Ecosystem Project (STEP)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sameer Shende
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
FSME 2024-2025
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Beth Sheppard
FHI 360
TBD [2025 Fostering Student Motivation and Engagement (FSME) Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Q2 2025]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Beth Sheppard
FHI 360
Influence of Political Polarization on Consumer Decision Making
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Brittany Shoots-Reinhard
Oregon Consumer Justice
Health Maps as Behavioral Interventions: Bridging Psychological Distance of Environmental Justice
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Cathy Slavik
Society of Behavioral Medicine
NQVL: QSTD: Pilot: Scalable Phase-Stable Quantum Networks
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Brian Smith
National Science Foundation
Advancing Whole Student Support Through Improved Mental Health and Wellness Learning Community
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sarah Spafford
State Higher Education Executive Association
Nutrient-driven bacterial physiology in recalcitrant infections
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Melanie Spero
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Ion signaling, cell transitions, and organ scaling during fin regeneration [equipment supplement]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kryn Stankunas
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Enhancing Community Fire Resilience Decision-Making: Drone Inspection for Home Ignition Zone
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Amanda Stasiewicz
San Jose State University
Pre-fire planning for post-fire hazards: Barriers and opportunities across jurisdictions
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Amanda Stasiewicz
Northern Arizona University
Cartographic and Design Support for the Global Initiative on Ungulate Migration (GIUM) [Knobloch Family Foundation (KFF) Funds]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Erik Steiner
University of Wyoming
Advancing Access to Health Information and Services Among Oregon Temporary H2 Workers
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Lynn Stephen
University of Oregon
STAR: The genetic and genomic architecture of repeated trait evolution
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Matt Streisfeld
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Processes and Consequences of Somatic Mutation Accumulation in Plants
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Matt Streisfeld
National Science Foundation
[Revised] Experimental High Energy Physics
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
David Strom
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Evaluating argument structure construction-based indices for construct validity in assessing syntactic complexity
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Hakyung Sung
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Underwater shape matters: characterizing subsurface ice morphology at tidewater glaciers
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Dave Sutherland
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Collaborative Research: RUI: Frontal ablation processes on lake-terminating glaciers and their role in glacier change
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Dave Sutherland
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Are all cell surfaces the same? The effects of particle surface property on predator-prey interactions in the microbial loop
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kelly Sutherland
National Science Foundation
Development of affinity-based delivery systems for angiogenic growth factors [NIH Pre-doc F31, NIH ASSIST ID 1574854]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Justin Svendsen
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Comparison changes in Beta Synchrony and gait after taking immediate release and long-acting forms of levodopa (Rytary) in patients with Parkinsons disease
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Nicki Swann
Oregon Health and Science University
2024 Europe-Eurasia Pre-Departure Orientation @ the University of Oregon (Fulbright PDO)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Julie Sykes
Institute of International Education (IIE)
Component network meta-analysis of education interventions
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Emily Tanner-Smith
Instructional Research Group
Collaborative Research: Exploring the Role of Rapid Cementation, Cohesion, and Pore Fluid Pressure Evolution in the Dynamics of Slow Slip Events
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Amanda Thomas
National Science Foundation
Oregon Extended Assessment Subcontract - by invitation (Previous year: epcs 31947, index 2427X0)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Gerald Tindal
Oregon Department of Education
Infrared thermal imaging as a non-invasive technique for monitoring physiological responses to climate change in wild mountain gorillas in Rwanda: a validation study.
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Nelson Ting
Leakey Foundation
Seeking Evidence and Innovations for Engaged and Connected Communities as a Protective Factor for Youth At-Risk for Homelessness
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jeff Todahl
TwinStar Credit Union
Professional Development Opportunities for Classified Staff - University of Oregon - ORSN - NWRESD
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jeff Todahl
Northwest Regional Education Service District
Early Literacy Training Series for Educational Assistants
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jeff Todahl
Lane Education Service District
Lane ESD EA Training & Support (Year 2023-2025)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jeff Todahl
Lane Education Service District
Protect Our Children 2023-2025
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jeff Todahl
Tides Center
Be Strong Families Café Year 3
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jeff Todahl
Friends of 90by30
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: OSU Extension (Wasco County)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Oregon State University Extension Services
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: City of La Grande
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
City of La Grande, Oregon
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: Rogue Food Unites
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Rogue Food Unites
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: Tillamook County
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Tillamook County
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: City of Silverton
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
City of Silverton
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: Travel Oregon (Food Systems and Agriculture)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Travel Oregon
RARE AmeriCorps 2023-24 Host Org: Visit McMinnville
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Visit McMinnville
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: Travel Oregon (Outdoor Recreation)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Travel Oregon
RARE AmeriCorps 2023-24 Host Org: Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: Upper Willamette Soil & Water Conservation District
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Upper Willamette Soil and Water Conservation District
RARE AmeriCorps 2023-24 Host Org: OSU Extension - Klamath Grown
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Oregon Food Bank
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: Wy'East (REAP)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Wy'East Resource Conservation and Development Area Council, Inc
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: Willamette Valley Visitors Association
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Willamette Valley Visitors Association
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: City of Dallas
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
City of Dallas, OR
Host Org Support for RARE Yr30 - 2023-24 AmeriCorps service year
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Travel Oregon
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: City of Drain
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
City of Drain
Resource Assistance for Rural Environments (RARE) AmeriCorps Program 2024-2025 (non-competitive renewal through state commission, Oregon Serves)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
State of Oregon
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center
Technical Assistance to Rural Willamette Designated Management Agencies (DMAs); RARE Host Organization support
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Technical Assistance to Rural Willamette Designated Management Agencies (DMAs); RARE Host Organization support
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: Burns Paiute Tribe (3rd party payor: Oregon Food Bank)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Oregon Food Bank
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: Visit Central Oregon
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Visit Central Oregon
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: Eastern Oregon Visitors Association
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Eastern Oregon Visitors Association
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: City of Bandon
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
City of Bandon
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: Center for Rural Livelihood
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
Center for Rural Livelihoods
RARE AmeriCorps 2024-25 Host Org: City of Detroit
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Titus Tomlinson
City of Detroit, Oregon
Forest Service Participating Agreement: PNW Wildfire Detection Camera Network
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Douglas Toomey
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Operation, Support, Improvement, and Expansion of the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System for the West Coast
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Douglas Toomey
U.S. Geological Survey
Seismic Network Operations Cooperative Agreement supplement 3 USGS G20AC00034
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Douglas Toomey
U.S. Geological Survey
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Douglas Toomey
Oregon Emergency Management
NAIRR Pilot: A National-Scale Testbed Supporting Artificial Intelligence Research Spanning the Computing Continuum
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Douglas Toomey
Northwestern University
US ATLAS M&O Manager 2024
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Eric Torrence
U.S Department of Energy (DOE)
USGS PO 140G0323P0317
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Douglas Turnbull
U.S. Geological Survey
New animal model for late-onset Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy[R21 Re-submission NIH ASSIST ID: 1373430]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Hiro Uehara
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Ready to Work: Community Development of An Employability Social Skill Curriculum for Justice-involved youth with disabilities served in Community Juvenile Services Programming
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Deanne Unruh
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Geneticizing Health Disparities? Health Equity for Racialized Communities and the Promise of Precision Medicine in Canada
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Arafaat Valiani
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Meeting Student Social-Emotional and Academic Needs Through Technology-Supported Best-Practice in Instruction
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Mark Van Ryzin
U.S. Department of Education (USDE)
Large Artery Stiffness and Cerebrovascular Dysfunction: Implications for Cognitive Impairment and Neuropathology [DIVERSITY SUPPLEMENT]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ashley Walker
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Mechanically Mediated Spin Entanglement in Diamond (Supplement)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Hailin Wang
National Science Foundation
High Stakes: Examining the Impact of Integrated Sports Betting Platforms on Consumer Behavior
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Henry Wear
Oregon Consumer Justice
OPP-PRF: Long-term Arctic lake area change: reducing uncertainty and paving a new path forward
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Elizabeth Webb
National Science Foundation
Zebrafish International Resource Center (ZIRC) [Admin A&R Supplement]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Monte Westerfield
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Resource of zebrafish models of human diseases[R24]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Monte Westerfield
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
CAREER: Structure-Specific Fluorescence Spectroscopy to Probe Conformational Heterogeneity in Macromolecules
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Julia Widom
National Science Foundation
Open Oregon Educational Resources Targeted Pathways
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Stephanie Wiley
Open Oregon Educational Resources
Engineering the Immune and Fibrotic Response in Volumetric Muscle Loss [NIH Admin Supplement, ASSIST ID: 1449318] ASSIST ID: 1066180
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Nick Willett
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Engineering the Immune and Fibrotic Response in Volumetric Muscle Loss [NIH Diversity Admin Supplement, ASSIST ID: 1608387] ASSIST ID: 1066180
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Nick Willett
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
New PI Subaward : Investigating socio-ecological factors in pediatric sleep-related health disparities
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ariel Williamson
University of Miami
New PI Subaward: Optimizing a Mobile Health Platform for Sleep Promotion and Obesity Prevention in Children
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ariel Williamson
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Illuminating nanocrystal growth and degradation with in situ spectroscopies
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Cathy Wong
American Physical Society
Darkfield Transient Absorption Spectroscopy of Evolving Domain Boundaries in Organic Films
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Cathy Wong
National Science Foundation
Robotics for Timber Connections -Developing material-aware robotic processes for machining and insertion of prefabricated connections in mass timber
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Dylan Wood
Oregon State University
Next generation, flat pack, deployable wood building components
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Dylan Wood
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Enabling design exploration for curved CLT through coupling parametric modeling and structural engineering analysis
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Dylan Wood
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Diversifying and utilizing wood material properties in mass timber panels through informed robotic fabrication
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Dylan Wood
Oregon State University
Assessing the Impact of Mortgage Forbearance on Oregon Consumers and Communities: Closing the Wealth Gap with Income Shock Protections for Historically Disadvantaged Homeowners
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Youchang Wu
Oregon Consumer Justice
Open Pedagogy for LING 144, Learning How to Learn Languages
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Keli Yerian
Open Oregon Educational Resources
R/V Megalopa Services
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Craig Young
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
Testing an intergenerational model of suicide risk in mother-child dyads
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Maureen Zalewski Regnier
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
2024 Sloan Research Fellowship Award [Transfer in]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ian Zemke
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
New Perspectives in Heegaard Floer Homology
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ian Zemke
National Science Foundation
Simultaneous Detection of Compromised Items and Examinees with Item Preknowledge Using Both Response Accuracy and Response Time Data
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Cengiz Zopluoglu
Duolingo, Inc