Faculty Research Awards support scholarship across the UO

November 15, 2024
Trees full of bright red and orange fall leaves frame a red brick building.

The Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation invites tenure track and career research faculty from all academic disciplines to apply for Faculty Research Awards.

The program stimulates scholarly activity by providing faculty with up to $10,000 to pay for project expenses, including travel, summer stipend, equipment, supplies, contractual services, shared facility use and graduate or undergraduate student research assistance. Summer stipends are allowed up to $7,000. The aim of this program is to provide funding to faculty who do not currently have a significant active externally funded research award.                                                                     

Guidelines and the application form are available on the program website. The deadline for receipt of proposals is on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

Questions should be directed to Research Development Services (rds@uoregon.edu).