Lainey Costa
Mentor: Dasa Zeithamova
Memory Effects of Event Boundaries Caused by Change of Emotional State
Jocelyn Eke Garcia
Mentor: Kathryn Mills
Unveiling the Social Mind: The Impact of Everyday Discrimination on Perspective-taking in BIPOC
Elena Kuypers
Mentor: Diana Libuda
Localization and interaction of proteins and ZNFX-1 in C. elegans
Zach Marshall
Mentor: Adrianne Huxtable
Combined perinatal opioids and neonatal systemic inflammation impair neonatal chemoreflexes
Claire Nowicki
Mentor: Chandler James
From Tradition to Transformation: Analyzing Changes in U.S. Presidential Debate Norms
Emily Sverdrup
Mentor: Nick Willett
Screening of pro-resolving lipid mediator to mitigate joint inflammation and osteoarthritis pathology
Reed Talus
Mentor: Scott Hansen
Generating a SHIP1-null neutrophil-like cell line
Jack Woolf
Mentor: Kryn Stankunas
Cellular Impact of Calcium Signaling on Fin Outgrowth Cessation
Julia Albertson
Mentor: Lauren Hallett
Shifting Facilitative Interactions through Plant Life History in Response to a Density Gradient
Thomas Brugnara
Mentor: Lauren Hallett
Understanding Microbial Interactions and Precipitation Variation t
Aidan Foster-Green
Mentor: Lauren Hallett
Investigating Facilitative Interactions in Seedlings across Drought and Density Gradients
Skye Grubb
Mentor: Scott Blumenthal
Conservation of Giraffes in Uganda: Insights from Stable Isotope Analysis
Sylvia Khalil
Mentor: Matthew Barber
Inter-microbial interactions select for antibiotic tolerance in Staphylococcus aureus
Nicolas Lee
Mentor: Diana Libuda
Characterization of chromosome structure defects affected by sex-specific thermotolerance of the synaptonemal complex in Zebrafish germ cells
Alexandra McGowan
Mentor: Nicole Kurhanewicz
Characterizing PIWI/piRNA pathway component localization and abundance in the absence of PRG-1
Walker Meyer
Mentor: William Cresko
Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance and Phenotypic Plasticity in Daphnia lumholtzi
Lyric Rosa-O'Hayer
Mentor: Raoul Liévanos and Jessica Vasquez-Tokos
The Intersection of Life Decisions and the Presence of Extreme Weather Events
Sarah Weber
Mentor: Matthew Polizzotto
Quantifying the Impact of Irrigation Management on Sediment and Streamflow in the Donner und Blitzen River
Ethan Yin
Mentor: Stephanie Wiley
The Role of Plea Bargaining in the Rise of Mass Incarceration
Tyler Zawacki
Mentor: Katelyn McDonough
Late Holocene Toolstone Use and Group Mobility at the Connley Caves, Oregon
Lilia Buckingham
Mentor: Jessica Vasquez Tokos
Food, Identity, and Socioeconomic Status: How Class Status influences Food Identity Formation
Nicholas Burns
Mentor: Jasmin Albert and Lauren Hallett
Plant Species Fitness in Response to Neighboring Competition & Pollination
Cora Canning
Mentor: CJ Pascoe
Examining Public Discourse Surrounding Celebrity Gender Transgressions
Josmarie Graciani
Mentor: Chris Doe
The Role of the Transcription Factor Hunchback in the Adult Drosophila Moonwalker Descending Neuron (MDN)
Ellie Ingraham
Mentor: Marissa Lane-Massee, Lauren Hallett
Monitoring Insect Population Dynamics in Willamette Valley hazelnut orchards through novel Integrated pest management strategies
Audrey Kirkpatrick
Mentor: Melissa Baese-Berk
Preferences towards native dialects: is there a right way to talk in Spanish?
Roxy Lee
Mentor: Jessica Vasquez Tokos
Just Passing By: The Way Skin Tone Facilitates Our Identity Formation
Zachary Marshall
Mentor: Diana Libuda
Temperature Sensitivity in the Genome of Developing Sperm
Ava Minu-Sepehr
Mentor: Jason Younker
Counter-mapping the Coos Bay Estuaries: Amplifying Indigenous and Environmental Historie
James Taylor
Mentor: Lisa Redford
Effect of neurotype identity of conversational partners on communicative success and speaking style
Megan Tuleya
Mentor: Nicole Ngo
A Case Study of Healthier Oregon’s Implementation, Challenges, & Successes
Ethan Yin
Mentor: Jessica Vasquez Tokos and Stephanie Wiley
Plea Bargaining and the Rise of Mass Incarceration in a Politically Progressive State
Aiden Hlebechuk
Major: Anthropology Faculty Mentor: Katelyn McDonough
Project Title: Dating and Analysis of the Legacy Collection from Connley Cave 6, Oregon
Katey Williams
Major: Advertising Faculty Mentor: Bryce Newell
Project Title: A Materialist Analysis of Conservative Media, and the Legality in Profiting From Right-Wing Rhetoric
Emily Scherer
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Lucas Silva
Project Title: Maximizing Soil Carbon Sequestration: the Synergy of Enhanced Silicate Weathering and Plant Traits
William Irish, Keegan Vaughan, Logan Pearl, and Natalie North
Major: School of Music and Dance Faculty Mentor: Pius Cheung
Project Title: Pedagogy and Performance: The Teachings of Abe-Sensei
Arden Butterfield
Major: Computer Science Faculty Mentor: Jon Bellona
Project Title: Designing an Audio Plugin for Creative Codec Distortion
Adam Clayton
Major: Environmental Studies Faculty Mentor: Lauren Hallett
Project Title: Cavity-nesting Birds in Hazelnut Agroecosystems
Jess Gladis
Major: Environmental Studies Faculty Mentor: Mark Carey, Michael Moffitt
Project Title: Value Pluralism & Environmental Justice Disputes in the Nisqually Watershed: A Philosophical Approach to Conflict Resolution
Rowan Glass
Major: Anthropology Faculty Mentor: Maria Fernanda Escallón
Project Title: Weaving the Wáman Lware: Kamëntsá Reexistence in the Sibundoy Valley of Colombia
Sadie Holt
Major: Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Christopher Minson
Project Title: Blood pressure medication during extreme heat and endothelial function
Melina Mallari
Major: Media Studies Faculty Mentor: Gretchen Soderlund
Project Title: Social Media's Influence on the Identity Reconciliation of Queer Christians
Cedar O'Konski
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders Faculty Mentor: Melissa Baese-Berk
Project Title: Intelligibility of American Sign Language in Popular Media
Alexa Wright
Major: Psychology Faculty Mentor: Mike Wehr
Project Title: The Effect of Ketamine on the Advancement of Early Alzheimer’s Pathology in 5XFAD Mice
Odalis Aguilar-Aguilar
Major: History Faculty Mentor: Julie Weise
Project Title: The History of PCUN and Women in the Movement
Kobe Anthony
Major: Music Technology Faculty Mentor: Jon Bellona
Project Title: Understanding Sequencers and the Music Tracker Workflow
Sofi Forsman
Major: Marine Biology, Environmental Studies Faculty Mentor: Lauren Hallett
Project Title: Discovery of Affinity Binding Partners for Controlled Protein Delivery
Natalie Kataoka
Major: Environmental Science Faculty Mentor: Lauren Hallett
Project Title: Nitrogen Fixing Symbionts as a Determinant of Plant Species Coexistence in California Grasslands
Katherine Kennedy
Major: Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Jon Runyeon
Project Title: Assessing the "Gold-Standard" MRI as a Diagnostic Tool in Osteoarthritis
Kyra Lauersdorf
Major: English, Sociology Faculty Mentor: Matthew Norton
Project Title: Learning from James Baldwin: Developing a Socio-Literary Model for Ethical Education
Madison Studer
Major: Neuroscience Faculty Mentor: Acadia DiNardo
Project Title: Characterization of ZNFX-1 in Spermatocytes
Maya Treder
Major: General Science Faculty Mentor: Lauren Hallett
Project Title: Effects of Rangeland Compost Amendments on Nematode Abundance and Diversity
Cassie Cole
Major: Public Relations Faculty Mentor: Donnalyn Pompper
Project Title: Everyone’s Business: How Social Movements Gain Local Support
Karly Fear
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Parisa Hosseinzadeh
Project Title: Computational Protein Design for Fracture Regeneration
Henry Hochstatter
Major: Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Marian Hettiaratchi
Project Title: Discovery of Affinity Binding Partners for Controlled Protein Delivery
Rachel Lisle
Major: Earth Sciences Faculty Mentor: Edward Davis
Project Title: Stable Isotope Analysis of Late Cretaceous Shark Teeth from the Western Interior Seaway
Alena McVicker
Major: Physics Faculty Mentor: Jayson Paulose
Project Title: Indentation of soft shell mechanics
Philip Nosler
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Diana Libuda
Project Title: Investigating the Role of Histone Methyltransferases in Heat-Stressed Sperm
Isabel Queisser
Major: Planning, Public Policy, and Management Faculty Mentor: Nicole Ngo
Project Title: The Efficacy of Diversity Training in Nonprofit Organizations
Giovanni Ricci
Major: Pyschology Faculty Mentor: Jen Ablow
Project Title: Intergenerational Impacts of Trauma: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Salivary Oxytocin in Mothers of Infants
Maisey Schering
Major: Biochemistry and Neuroscience Faculty Mentor: Daniel Grimes
Project Title: Investigation of the Novel Left-Right Patterning Gene eml2
Phaedra Whitty
Major: Biochemistry Faculty Mentor: David Garcia
Project Title: The Role of Ribosome-Associated Protein Quality Control in a Prion-Based Epigenetic State
Blake Hardin
Major: Economics and Global Studies Faculty Mentor: Melissa Graboyes
Project Title: COVID-19 In Persons Who Inject Drugs
Zoe Haupt
Major: Psychology and PPPM Faculty Mentor: Melissa Baese-Berk
Project Title: Do we perceive when they deceive? The effect of pauses and dialect on deception detection
Nathan Malamud
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Stillianos Luca
Project Title: Simulating Dead-End State Distributions for Microbial Metabolism
Mia Niccol
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: David Garcia
Project Title: Investigating the Role of RNA Modifications in Cryptococcus neoformans
Marlee Odell
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Melissa Graboyes
Project Title: COVID-19 Quarantine Hesitancy in Lane County
Idil Osman
Major: Psychology and PPPM Faculty Mentor: Melissa Graboyes
Project Title: Simulating Dead-End State Distributions for Microbial Metabolism
Sofia Baldridge
Major: Planning, Public Policy and Management Faculty Mentor: Nicole Ngo
Project Title: The Effects of a Multi-Disciplinary Team for People in Recovery
Sahana Krishna
Major: Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Ashley Walker
Project Title: The Effect of Large Artery Stiffness on Cognitive Decline, Inflammation, and Oxidative Stress
Emily Cook
Major: Environmental Studies Faculty Mentor: Lauren Hallett
Project Title: Intraspecific variation in Sandburg bluegrass (Poa secunda)'s resistance to annual grass invasion
Hossein Rajabzadeh
Major: Biochemistry Faculty Mentor: Marian Hettiaratchi
Project Title: Development of Biocompatible Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel for Nerve Nano-Clip Fabrication
Fall 2020 Mini-grant Recipents
Marin Nagle
Major: Architecture Faculty Mentor: Siobhan Rockcastle
Project Title: EXPLORING THE IMPACTS OF BIOPHILIC DESIGN ELEMENTS ON OCCUPANTS' BEHAVIOR AND HEALTH: The Implication of Biomorphic Forms and Visual Connections to Nature
Hunter Blaylock
Major: Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Carrie McCurdy
Project Title: Investigating the Role of LOC105374343 in the Intergenerational Effects of Maternal Diet
Colin Kuhns
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Daniel Grimes
Project Title: Investigating a Novel Regulator of Left-Right Patterning, Clstn1
Spring 2020 Mini-grant Recipients
Stacey Andreeva
Major: Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty Mentor: Carl Brozek
Project Title: Dynamics in Metal-Organic Systems
Isabelle Cullen
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Matt Smear
Project Title: Modulation in Sniffing Behavior as a Biomarker for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Nicole Wales
Major: Physics Faculty Mentor: Eric Corwin
Project Title: Determination of the Colloidal Glass Phase Diagram
Dimitra Fellman
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Melissa Graboyes
Project Title: Oregon's Response to COVID-19: Approaches and Outcomes to Social Distancing and Testing
Winter 2020 Mini-grant Recipients
Anna Brown
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Lauren Hallett
Project Title: Response of Soil Microarthropods to Nitrogen and Compost Treatments
Michaela Fishback
Major: Environmental Science Faculty Mentor: Lauren Hallett
Project Title: Resource Allocation in Resource-Conservative and Resource-Acquisitive Serpentine Grasses and Forbs at Varying Nitrogen and Water Availability
Dakota Paulus, Katia Pramono, and Nisha Sridhar
Major: Biology, Psychology, Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Tyson Barker
Project Title: Exploring Neural Indicators of Executive Function in Early Childhood
Justin Day
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Lauren Hallett
Project Title: Shifts in AMF Colonization with Compost Amendments and Precipitation Quantity
Marissa Lane-Massee
Major: Environmental Studies Faculty Mentor: Lauren Hallett
Project Title: Biotic and Mechanical Treatments for Increasing Soil Moisture Retention in Willamette Valley Hazelnut Orchards
Jazmin Cole
Major: Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Ashley Walker
Project Title: Association between a non-invasive assessment of frailty and vascular dysfunction in old mice
Rachel Conner
Major: Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Melissa Graboyes
Project Title: World Health Organization Malaria Interventions in Africa
Nelly Noubossi
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Melissa Graboyes
Project Title: The history of malaria elimination campaigns in Africa in the 1950s-1960s
Mikala Capage
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: David Garcia
Project Title: Hunting for prions: Using meiotic inheritance patterns in yeast cells to attribute epigenetic states to prion proteins
Fall 2019 Mini-grant Recipients
Chasen Afghani
Major: Linguistics Faculty Mentor: Melissa Baese-Berk
Project Title: The Affects of Incentivization in Perception of Non-Native Speech
Zack Demars
Major: Journalism, Political Science Faculty Mentor: Peter Laufer
Project Title: From 1960 to Now: Beginning a Pen Pal Program Between Oregon and Russia
Harrison Jensen
Major: Planning, Public Policy, and Management Faculty Mentor: Nicole Ngo
Project Title: Procedural Barriers to Health Care: Applying for Coverage through the Oregon Health Plan
Maurisa Rapp
Major: Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Carrie McCurdy
Project Title: Intergenerational Effects of Western Style Diet on Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species Production and DNA Damage
Shelby Saper
Major: Anthropology Faculty Mentor: Dennis Jenkins
Project Title: Assessing Typology of Pre-Mazama Corner-notched Points in the Northern Great Basin
Kezia Setyawan
Major: Journalism Faculty Mentor: Sung Park
Project Title: Where Do You Belong: Cultural Values and Identity Shifts in Chinese Indonesian Communities Through Migration and Assimilation
Momo Wilms-Crowe
Major: Political Science Faculty Mentor: Dan Tichenor
Project Title:Cultivating Self-Determination: Food Sovereignty as a Challenge to Coloniality in Puerto Rico
Winter 2019 Mini-grant Recipients
Elizabeth Baach
Major: Environmental Science Faculty Mentor: Lauren Hallett
Project Title: Nitrogen Composition in Native and Invasive Plants in Relation to Ant Mounds in Serpentine Grasslands
Payton Bruni
Major: Journalism Faculty Mentor: Peter Laufer
Project Title: Press Freedom in Oman
Adie Fecker
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Phillip Washbourne
Project Title: Sensory Conditions Important for Social Orienting in Zebrafish
Takako Iwashita
Major: Psychology Faculty Mentor: Dasa Zeithamova Demircan
Project Title: How the Effects of Negative Emotions on Associative Memory Change Over Time
Bry Moore
Major: Political Science Faculty Mentor: Dan Tichenor
Project Title: Seeking Insite: Harm Reduction and Humanizing Drug Use
Calvin Penkauskas
Major: Biology and Environmental Science Faculty Mentor: Lauren Hallett
Project Title: Resolving conflict between oak conservation and organic hazelnut production
Jaycie Schenone
Major: Journalism Faculty Mentor: Ed Madison
Project Title: Out of Bounds
Michael Silver
Major: Finance Faculty Mentor: Kate Harmon
Project Title: Social Isolation: Which aspects of Social Media are at Fault?
Kayla Thomet
Major: Public Relations Faculty Mentor: Dean Mundy
Project Title: Communicating Change: A study of current and proposed communication strategies for prompting individual behavior towards ocean conservation
Sierra Webster
Major: Journalism Faculty Mentor: Lori Shontz
Project Title: Sports Media and the Seattle Storm
Fall 2018 Mini-grant Recipients
James Andersen
Major: Scandinavian Studies Faculty Mentor: Gantt Gurley Project Title: A Toast from the High Seat: The Feast in the Viking Age
Ricky Ede
Major: Earth Sciences Faculty Mentor: Thomas Giachetti Project Title: Quantifying the Relationship Between Permeability and Vesicle and Fracture Characteristics in Pumice
Hannah Kruse
Major: Earth Sciences Faculty Mentor: Thomas Giachetti Project Title: Exploring patterns in monogenetic cinder cones of Newberry Volcano, Oregon
Michelle Lo
Major: Mathematics Faculty Mentor: Jennifer Ruef Project Title: Power Dynamics in Group Settings of Mathematics Classrooms
Publications and Presentations Affiliated with Research:
American Educational Research Association 2019 Annual Meeting
Kendra Siebert
Major: Journalism and Advertising Faculty Mentor: Peter Laufer Project Title: An Exploration of Urban Art as Cultural Testimony Throughout Social Movements in Mexico City and Oaxaca
Nisha Sridhar & Camille Sullivan
Major: Human Physiology and Biology Faculty Mentor: Tyson Barker Project Title: Observing Rewards, Caregiver, and Action Monitoring (ORCA)
Momo Wilms-Crowe
Major: Political Science and International Studies Faculty Mentor: Janine Hicks (University of KwaZulu Natal) Project Title: Beyond the Ivory Tower: Contemporary South African Student Activism and its Role in Supporting Transformative Social Change
Winter 2018 Mini-grant Recipients
Shuxi Wu
Major: Anthropology and Asian Studies Faculty Mentor: Tuong Vu
Project Title: Transnational Professionals: Global Hires, the Knowledge Economy, and the Metanational Corporation
Eamonn Needham
Major: Earth Sciences Faculty Mentor: James Watkins
Project Title: Using Microlite Number Densities to Calibrate Ascent Rates at Mono Craters, California
Rachael Cleveland
Major: Earth Sciences Faculty Mentor: Matthew Polizzotto
Project Title: How Mercury Concentrations and Forms Change Throughout the Watershed Affected by Black Butte Mine
Brianna Kendrick
Major: Geography Faculty Mentor: Patricia McDowell
Project Title: Mapping Past Elevations of Pluvial Lake Chewaucan
Presentations Associated with this Project:
– Great Basin Anthropological Association, 2018 Conference
Dylan Carlini
Major: Earth Sciences Faculty Mentor: Samantha Hopkins
Project Title: Mammal Community Structure: Oregon in the Miocene
Alex Egdell
Major: Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty Mentor: Ramesh Jasti
Project Title: Synthesis of alkyne substituted cycloparaphenylenes for conjugated polymers
Denae Brocksmith
Major: Dance Faculty Mentor: Shannon Mockli
Project Title: A Thierry de May informed Screendance Project
Fall 2017 Mini-grant Recipients
Spencer Smith
Major: Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Teresa Chen
Project Title: Muscle fatigue in young and older adults: how can we tell?
Jennie Shen
Major: Linguistics Faculty Mentor: Melissa Baese-Berk
Project Title: The Effectiveness of Audiovisual Training on Non-Native English Speech Perception and Production
Tristan Mistkawi
Major: Chemistry & Biochemistry Faculty Mentor: Michael Haley
Project Title: Electronic properties of indenofluorenes and their derivatives
Jacqueline Huaman
Major: Asian Studies Program Faculty Mentor: Kaori Idemaru
Project Title: Japanese Gendered Language and the Ideal Female Romantic Partner
Shawn Melendy
Major: Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Carrie McCurdy
Project Title: Evaluation of the effectiveness of a Running Fatigue Protocol and Assessment of Fatigue Induced Running Mechanic Changes
Alex Egdell
Major: Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty Mentor: Ramesh Jasti
Project Title: Synthesis of alkyne substituted cycloparaphenylenes for conjugated polymers
Meg Rodgers
Major: Media Studies Faculty Mentor: Erin Hanna
Project Title: The Anti-Heroine: an Emergent Television Character Trope
Sam Beeker
Major: English & Comparative Literature Faculty Mentor: Brendan O’Kelly
Project Title: Philosophy, Politics, and Paranoia: Pynchon and the Construction of the Postmodern Subject
Haley Segelke
Major: Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Li-Shan Chou
Project Title: Examining gait stability with a wearable accelerometer in female club lacrosse athletes
Winter 2017 Mini-grant Recipients
Aleiya Evison
Major: Ethnic Studies Faculty Mentor: Ernesto Martinez
Project Title: Design Thinking and Social Change: Creativity as Strategy in Anti-Racist Community Organizing
Anisha Adke
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Adam Miller
Project Title: The genetic basis of the first connections of the brain
Emma Silverman
Major: Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Li-Shan Chou
Project Title: Dual-Task Gait Stability Assessment Utilizing a Wearable Motion Analysis Sensor System
Geena Littel
Major: Earth Sciences and Geophysics Faculty Mentor: Amanda Thomas
Project Title: Estimation of Spatial Variations in Seismic-wave Attenuation in Cascadia from Tectonic Tremor
Hao Tan & Colin Lipps
Major: Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Li-Shan Chou
Project Title: Evaluation of the effectiveness of a Running Fatigue Protocol and Assessment of Fatigue Induced Running Mechanic Changes
Kendra Siebert
Major: Advertising & Journalism Faculty Mentor: Peter Laufer
Project Title: Latin Street Art as Political Protest
Merida Mehaffey
Major: History Faculty Mentor: Marsha Weisiger
Project Title: Decolonization Through Collaborative Land Management: A History of Matiu Island Conservation Partnerships
Rhaine Clarke
Major: International Studies Faculty Mentor: Yvonne Braun
Project Title: Touring Zanzibar: EnGendering Development
Fall 2016 Mini-grant Recipients
Anupama Deodhar
Major: Computer & Information Science Faculty Mentor: Boyana Norris
Project Title: Urban Noise Mapping at University of Oregon
Austin Robinette
Major: Earth Sciences (Paleontology) Faculty Mentor: Gregory Retallack
Project Title: Archaean Microfossils of Western Australia
Brianna Kendrick
Major: Anthropology and Archaeology Faculty Mentor: Dennis Jenkins
Project Title: Archeoparisitology of the Paisley Caves
Chris Ableidinger
Major: Journalism and Accounting Faculty Mentor: Kim Sheehan
Project Title: Persuasion Mockery – Consumer Recall of Self-Aware Advertisements
Lauren Amaro
Major: English Faculty Mentor: Elizabeth Wheeler
Project Title: Examining Racial Imagery in Underground Comix
Maria Sarao
Major: Biology and Spanish Faculty Mentor: Brendan Bohannan
Project Title: Quantification of the microbiota of human skin
Nora Sawyer
Major: Biological Anthropology Faculty Mentor: Frances White
Project Title: The Affect of Primate Seed Dispersal as Indicated by the Composition of Two Forests in Panama
Winter 2016 Mini-grant Recipients
Anisha Adke
Major: Psychology Faculty Mentor: Dasa Zeithamova Demirican
Project Title: Aging effects on perceptual and conceptual memory: transformations from short-term to long-term memory
Catherine Mackenzie Jaffe
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Brendan Bohannan
Project Title: An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Microbial Ecology in Seeds: Drivers of Fusarium Abundance and Transmission in Diverse Varieties of Corn Seeds
Claire Getz
Major: Geological Sciences Faculty Mentor: Paul Wallace
Project Title: Insights into Magma Ascent and Decompression from Diverse Pumice Fragments at the Onset of the Huckleberry Ridge Supereruption
Hanna McIntosh
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Matthew Streisfeld
Project Title: Genetic architecture of local adaptation and reproductive isolation in Mimulus aurantiacus
Jocelyn Taylor
Major: Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Li-Shan Chou
Project Title: The Effect of Muscle Fatigue on Motion and Cognitive Performance during Obstacle-Crossing under Single and Dual-task Condition in Young Adults
Sally Elizabeth Claridge
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Patrick Phillips
Project Title: Genomic Analysis of the Chronic Heat Stress Resistance Phenotype in Caenorhabditis remanei
Abel Cerros Jr.
Major: Anthropology & Ethnic Studies Faculty Mentor: Ana-Maurine Lara
Project Title: Pedagogical Tools in Indigenous Danza Mexica
Celia Easton Koehler
Major: Geography Faculty Mentor: Shaul Cohen
Project Title: The Collective: Assembly Based Collectives As Social Sites of Knowledge Production
Claire Aubin
Major: International Studies & Russian, East European Studies Faculty Mentor: Julie Hessler
Project Title: How to Navigate the Postwar Justice System: A Legal Study of the Life and Trials of Ivan Demjanjuk
Awards Related to this Research Project:
2017 UO Libraries Undergraduate Research Award Winner
Perla Alvarez
Major: Anthropology Faculty Mentor: Ana-Maurine Lara
Project Title: Pedagogical Practices in Indigenous Mexica Danza Ceremonies
Romario Garcia Bautista
Major: Anthropology Faculty Mentor: Ana-Maurine Lara
Project Title: Danza: A Transnationalistic Identity
Fall 2015 Mini-grant Recipients
Aaron Nelson
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Bitty Roy
Project Title: Fungal Endophytes in an Ecuadorian Cloud Forest Demonstrate an Ability to Colonize Wood
Abigail Marie Ross
Major: Geology Faculty Mentor: Ilya Bindeman
Project Title: Analysis of hydrogen isotopic exchange: Lava Creek Tuff ash and isotopically labeled water
Alyssa Bjorkquist
Major: Marine Biology and Psychology Faculty Mentor: Richard Emlet
Project Title: Sea Star Plasticity: Morphological Variation of Pisaster ochraceus in Response to Water Flux
Andrew Dean Siemens
Major: Biology Faculty Mentor: Jessica Green
Project Title: The Effect of Different Light Wavelengths on the Dust Microbiome in the Indoor Environment
Benjamin Bachman
Major: Chemistry Faculty Mentor: Shannon Boettcher
Project Title: Growth of Indium Gallium Phosphide on Gallium Asenide Closed Space Vapor Transport
David Michael Gallacher
Major: Human Physiology and Psychology Faculty Mentor: Anita Christie
Project Title: Effects of a cognitivite task on motor output in young and older adults
Elizabeth Maynard
Major: Physics Faculty Mentor: Stephanie Majewski
Project Title: Possible benefits for missing transverse energy calculation afforded by particle timing detector
Erik Ames Burlingame
Major: Biochemistry Faculty Mentor: Philip Washbourne
Project Title: CASK drives presynaptic terminal assembly
Josiah Makinster
Major: Physics Faculty Mentor: Hailin Wang
Project Title: Low-Temperature Photoluminescence of Single-Atomic-Layer Molybdenum Disulfide
Mai’ana Feuerborn
Major: Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Carrie McCurdy
Project Title: Effect of prenatal high fat diet on regulation of circadian rhythms
Sandra Dorning
Major: Marine Biology Faculty Mentor: Craig Young
Project Title: The distribution and ecology of invasive ascidian Botrylloides violaceus in Coos Bay, Oregon
Sarianne Harris
Major: Human Physiology Faculty Mentor: Christopher Minson
Project Title: Effects of Acute Passive Heat Exposure
Selina Robson
Major: Geology Faculty Mentor: Samantha Hopkins
Project Title: Something to chew on: Diet and dental morphology of extinct hyenas
Taylor Dodrill
Major: Biology and Anthropology Faculty Mentor: Scott Fitzpatrick
Project Title: Osteological Analysis of Unprovenienced Human Remains from Petite Mustique, Grenadines
William Crowley
Major: Chemistry Faculty Mentor: George Nazin
Project Title: Fabrication of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Tips