Horizon Europe is the European Union's key funding program for research and innovation with a budget of €95.5 billion. The program is open to U.S. participants bringing their own funding. In some cases, and under certain conditions, U.S. participants can receive funding directly from the European Commission (see Calls for Proposals). Either scenario provides U.S. participants access to the best research and innovation groups in Europe.
Specific Programme Implementing Horizon Europe
Available funding is organized into three pillars.
Pillar 1: Excellent Science
Funding Targets: Individual Principal Investigators and Small Networks
- The European Research Council (ERC), the premiere funding organization for excellent frontier research, has a webpage with funding opportunities and information for non-European researchers.
- The European Commission funds postdoctoral fellowships for U.S. residents going to the European Union and associated countries and residents of the European Union and associate countries going to the U.S.
- The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) flagship program provides doctoral and postdoctoral training through exposure to different sectors and disciplines across borders.
The EURAXESS in North America webpage provides more information about finding and accessing European research opportunities for North American researchers. (Contact person: Jackson Howard.)
Pillar II: Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
Funding Targets: Consortiums
Funding for consortium-based initiatives is organized according to the six themes below. To learn more about each theme, click the cluster link and download the "Work programme" document.
- Cluster 1 - Health
- Cluster 2 - Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
- Cluster 3 - Civil Security for Society
- Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry, and SpaceWork Programme
- Cluster 5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility
- Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Pillar III: Innovation
Funding Targets: Entrepreneurs and Businesses
Three agencies facilitate support and connect innovators across Europe.
- The European Innovation Council supports start-ups, small and midsize enterprises, and research teams developing high-risk, high-impact breakthrough innovations focused on scaling up game-changing solutions that contribute to the objectives of the European Great Deal and the Recovery Plan for Europe.
- The European Institute of Innovation and Technology strengthens Europe's innovation ability by powering solutions to pressing global challenges.
- European Innovation Ecosystems focuses on building an interconnected, inclusive ecosystem encompassing European, national, regional, and local initiatives and underrepresented actors and territories.
How to find a partner in Europe?
Researchers interested in finding collaborators may find them in one of three ways:
- Attend Information Days and Brokerage Days events to learn about upcoming calls for proposals, discuss and refine project ideas, and find potential partners to build new collaborations or join existing consortia.
- Click on a specific "call for proposal" and select "Partner search announcement" to see a list of potential collaborators or submit a call seeking collaborators.
- Learn about existing projects to reach out to the participants by searching the CORDIS database.
Check this world map to find out who is participating in Horizon Europe.
Funded projects
Below is a small selection of thematic result packages with a few examples of individual projects pertinent fields of research at the University of Oregon.
The examples are from Horizon Europe and its predecessor Horizon 2020:
Ongoing projects:
- Controlling epileptic brain networks with computationally optimized weak electric fields
- A European-wide foundation to accelerate Data-driven Cancer Research | EOSC4Cancer | Project | Fact sheet | HORIZON | CORDIS | European Commission (europa.eu)
Results from previous projects:
Innovation and exploration through cutting-edge Microbiome research (europa.eu)
- Metabolomics of fungal diseases: a systems biology approach for biomarkers discovery and therapy
- How the digital revolution is transforming EU-funded brain research (europa.eu)
Collaborative data underpins advancing knowledge about the brain
- Combining neuroscience and computing, the Human Brain Project reveals the brain’s secrets
- Breaking through barriers for a revolution in brain scans
- A bridge to market for bio-based chemical building blocks
- Perfecting the biotechnological production of chitosans
Advanced materials research for industrial applications and society (europa.eu)
- Building safe nanomaterials from scratch
- Friends or foes: new platform to predict nanoparticle toxicity
Graphene and 2D materials on track to innovative applications (europa.eu)
Contact for Questions:
National Point of Contact (NPC) for Horizon Europe
Claire Chen
NPC Coordinator, Legal and Financial Aspects
NCURA (National Council of University Research Administrators)
18th Street NW, Suite 901
1015Washington D.C., USA