External Funding Opportunities

To receive funding from external sources, you first have to find funders whose eligibility,  criteria, philosophies, and funding focus  align  with you and your project. Research Development Services (RDS) is here to help you identify appropriate funding opportunities for your research. Below are some resources and starting points for your search.

Other Important Topics for External Funding

Limited Submission Opportunities

Some opportunities limit the number of applications allowed by the university and require special processes to apply. Please refer to the UO's Limited Submission webpage to review the policy for internal submissions and deadlines when you are applying for a Limited Submission grant opportunity.

Private Foundations

Some grants come from private foundations, and the UO's Office of Foundation Relations works to liaise with these funders. If in your search for funding, you find a private foundation to which you want to apply, be sure to reach out to UO Foundation Relations, as some private funders require coordination with this office to apply.

Federal Research Funding Priorities and Advocacy

The Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation and Government and Community Relations closely partner to support efforts to advocate for research at the state and federal levels. You can learn more about this work on the Federal Research Funding Priorities and Advocacy webpage, which includes an annual report summarizing the federal research budget and opportunities that align with UO research.

Federal Funding Agencies

Links to funded Federal awards

Looking at what has been funded by an agency in the past can be a good way to get an idea as to whether an agency might be interested in your research plan. Below are links to the agency websites that list past awards.

International Funding

Funding is available to support international research colloborations or to perform research outside the United States.