Career Research Faculty Professional Development Program

Overview & Program Goals

The Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation values the advancement and growth of career research faculty, and the Career Research Faculty Professional Development (PD) program helps ensure that career research faculty can access professional development aligned with an individual’s research position and promotion trajectory to support the continued growth of the research infrastructure in their area of research. 

Request for Proposals (RFP)

Unit Head Approval Form (Fillable PDF)

Questions about the Career Research Faculty Professional Development Program, application, or submission process may be directed to Office of Vice President for Research & Innovation’s Research Development Services,


Application Deadline: January 25, 2025

Future Deadlines: December 1 and April 1 (or next business day if holiday). 

Applications for PD funding must be received prior to the start of the proposed professional development opportunity. Notifications will be made within one month of the internal deadline. 

A final report with an expense summary is due within 30 days of the completion of the professional development opportunity.



Eligibility: Career research faculty of all ranks at > 0.75 FTE who have been faculty at the UO for one year or more including research assistants, research associates, and research professors.

Ineligible Applicants:

  • Post-doctoral scholars
  • Visiting professors
  • Graduate Students
  • Career instructional or clinical faculty with no research responsibilities in their position description
  • Scholars on courtesy appointments

Budget & Use of Funds

Amount: Requests can be made for up to $4,000. Cost share with your research entity (e.g., unit/dept./lab) is strongly encouraged, especially if the professional development opportunity exceeds $4,000. Requests should be limited to the amount needed to participate in the professional development activity. If the activity is internal and ongoing (e.g., participation in NIH Academy, IRB Member), then FTE can be requested for estimated hours of activity (e.g., 0.05 FTE x 2 months). Funds must be spent within 12 calendar months of receipt of award.

Allowable costs:

  • Conference, workshop, training, seminar registration fees related to program of research and broad criteria of area for professional development;
  • Travel costs for professional development activity aligned with UO travel procedures (e.g., hotel, per diem, mileage/air fare);
  • FTE for time commitments not allocated to grant/contract funding;
  • Software, books, training manuals, and guest speakers related to the professional development activity; and,
  • Membership fees for organizations and associations that are communities of professional development, scholarship, and community engagement aligned with your field of research.

Application Components

Application: Applications must be submitted using the online submission form.

Application Form (online):  Basic Information: Please complete the form’s text boxes. (Note: the form cannot be saved part way through).

Proposal Documents: (single-spaced text, Times New Roman font in 11-point or larger, and 1” margins).

  1. Professional Development Narrative (1-page limit): Provide a summary outlining the professional development opportunity you seek funding to support that includes a description of:
    • The professional development opportunity
    • How it aligns with your position description and position responsibilities;
    • How it aligns with your promotion criteria for the next rank or continuing review; and,
    • Timeline for proposed activities.
  2. Biographical Sketch or CV (2-page limit)
  3. Budget and Detailed Budget Justification (1-page limit)
  4. Other Support/Matching Funds Document (1-page limit): Description and documented approval of other support or matching funds for this PD opportunity (e.g., permission to use work hours to participate in the PD).
  5. Unit Head Approval Form: Scanned copy or e-signature confirming your unit head approves of the proposed application, including the budget.

Submission Instructions: Complete all components of the application documents listed above. Combine all but the Unit Head Approval Form into a single PDF in the order listed above. Save with the naming convention [Faculty Last Name]_PD Application.

  1. Fill out the basic information in the online application form.
  2. Upload the combined PDF and Unit Head Approval Form.
  3. Submit the form.
  4. Each PI may complete the demographic survey described below (optional).

Optional Demographic Survey (online): The OVPRI is committed to creating an environment that fosters sensitivity to and understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, and racial and ethnic backgrounds present in our community. The application form includes a section to disclose demographic information aimed at assessing the success of our activities towards this goal. Response to these questions is entirely optional and is not considered in award decisions. This information will not be seen by the review committee, but rather used by OVPRI leadership to ensure our internal granting programs are inclusive and equitable and serve diverse populations at UO. We welcome submission of this information from all PIs on the project.

Review Process & Criteria

OVPRI will conduct an initial review to ensure that proposals follow all guidelines. Proposals deemed non-compliant will not be reviewed further. A panel within OVPRI will conduct a review to evaluate the PD proposals and recommend proposals for funding to the Vice President for Research and Innovation, who makes the final funding decisions. Applicants are informed of whether they are selected or not for the award. Upon request, feedback can be provided to interested applicants whose proposals are not funded.

Criteria: See an example of the review sheet as used by the review committee when scoring proposals.

  1. Career Research Faculty Professional Development Statement: How clearly does the application articulate the alignment of the professional development to their position description and promotion trajectory? Evaluate the significance and potential impact to advancing the faculty and the research unit (in scholarship, research expertise) of the proposed professional development.
  2. Timeline: Is the timeline feasible for completion in one year?
  3. Budget: Is the budget within the funding allowance? Is it reasonable for the benefit of the professional development to be received to individual and research entity?
  4. Cost Share: Has the research entity provided cost share for this PD opportunity?


A final report is required and due to OVPRI no later than one month (30 days) after the conclusion of the professional development. OVPRI will supply awardees a link to the final report form in the last quarter of their project.