Conflicts of Interest and Commitment

The training resources on this site will assist you with learning about the:

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On-Demand Trainings

Submitting a Disclosure in the Research Administration Portal (10 Minutes; Optional)

This tutorial video provides instructions on how to submit a conflict of interest disclosure in the Research Administration Portal. This training is optional.

Learning outcomes for this training:

  • Understand how to navigate the Research Administration Portal's Conflict of Interest module
  • Understand how to submit a conflict of interest disclosure
Accepting a Management Plan in the RAP (Optional)

This PDF tutorial provides instructions on how to accept a management plan in the Research Administration Portal (RAP). This training is optional.

Learning outcomes for this training:

  • Understand how to accept a management plan in the Research Administration Portal's Conflict of Interest module
Completing an Ancillary Review in the RAP (Optional)

This PDF tutorial provides instructions for supervisors, department heads, deans, and directors on how to formally a management plan for an employee in your unit using the ancillary review feature of the Research Administration Portal (RAP). This training is optional.

Learning outcomes for this training:

  • Understand how to use the ancillary review feature to approve a management plan in the Research Administration Portal's Conflict of Interest module
CITI COI Researcher Course (10 - 30 minutes per Module; Mandatory)

All researchers responsible for the design, conduct, and reporting of sponsored research are required by federal funding agencies and UO policy to complete financial conflict of interest training before they can expend funds on a newly received award.

The UO uses the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) to administer the required training. The COI Researcher course is comprised of 4 required modules and an optional module. The COI Researcher course can be completed at one's own pace. 

This training is required every three years for researchers who are responsible for the design, conduct, and reporting of sponsored research.

Learning outcomes for this training:

  • Understand federal financial conflict of interest in research regulations and requirements
  • Develop knowledge about what constitutes a Significant Financial Interest (SFI) and the SFI disclosure requirements
  • Become familiar with common conflict management practices 
  • Understand UO policies related to conflicts of interest
UO Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment, And Outside Activities Policy (18 Minutes; Optional)

This presentation describes the UO’s Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment, and Outside Activities Policy (COI/COC Policy), which applies to all UO employees. This training is optional.

Learning outcomes for this training:

  • Understand the background and history of the COI/COC Policy
  • Learn basic elements of the COI/COC Policy and the disclosure process
  • Become familiar with other UO policies that intersect with COI-COC Policy
UO Financial Conflict of Interest in Research (15 Minutes; Optional)

This presentation describes the UO’s Financial Conflict of Interest in Research (FCOI Policy), which applies to all researchers who receive sponsored funding. This training is optional.

Learning outcomes for this training:

  • Understand the UO's Financial Conflict of Interest in Research Policy, who it applies to, and what's required under the policy
  • Recognize the types of outside activities and interests that must be disclosed to the UO
  • Understand how to submit a disclosure in the Research Administration Portal (RAP)
  • Understand what happens to a disclosure once it's submitted in the RAP
  • Understand the management plan process
NIH FCOI Training (30 Minutes; Optional)

This tutorial provides a comprehensive overview of the federal financial conflict of interest (FCOI) in research regulations, 42 CFR Part 50 Subpart F, "Promoting Objectivity in Research", issued by the U.S. Public Health Services (PHS) and followed by many federal agencies. This tutorial is made available by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This training is optional.

Please note that individual institutions, including the UO, may apply the FCOI regulations differently and/or have additional institutional requirements beyond what is minimally required.

Learning outcomes for this training:

  • Become familiar with federal FCOI regulations
  • Understand expectations and requirements of sponsored researchers, who are subject to the FCOI regulations
  • Learn institutional requirements to identify and adequately manage financial conflicts of interest in research


At-Request Trainings

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