Education Research and Related Social Sciences

The Institute for Education Sciences, the National Science Foundation's Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences, The Spencer Foundation, and many other funders provide support to social scientists and educational research investigators seeking external funding for their work. The page below provides resources to support these types of applications.

Resources & Services

Specialized Proposal Preparation Resources

Internal UO resources available to help improve grant proposals

Ways to Improve Grant-Writing Skills

Resources to support the new grant writer in learning the style and technique for this specialized writing

Guides & Videos

This collection of articles, videos, and documents provides a wealth of guidance for designing, writing, and submitting an application for funding from social science and education research funders.

American Educational Research Association (AERA)

  • PEERS Data Hub: The data hub is a collaborative space for diverse education researchers and research communities to use wide-ranging data and advance knowledge through sharing innovative ideas, methods, and tools.
  • Education Research Funding Opportunities: This page provides information on the variety of funding opportunities through the AERA.
  • "Beyond AERA": As a service to AERA members and others in the education research community, Beyond AERA highlights selected items from materials available or received electronically regarding funding opportunities, calls for papers and manuscripts, upcoming conferences,  and other items of professional interest.

Institute for Educational Science (IES)

National Science Foundation (NSF)

The Spencer Foundation

  • "How To" Guides: The Spencer Foundation has created several guides specific to being successful in a grant application to their foundation.
  • Review Process Infographic: This document provides a quick overview of the foundation's review process.
  • Webinar for Potential Applicants: Watch this webinar from the Spencer Foundation with information about current funding opportunities and tips for writing more effective proposals.