No-Cost Extensions

Completion of projects by the end of the authorized period of performance and submission of performance reports and/or deliverables according to sponsor requirements are very important. However, circumstances beyond the control of the principal investigator (PI) may prevent the completion of the work and/or the submission of the report as scheduled.

If a PI anticipates a delay, they should contact their Post Award Team to see about getting a no-cost extension (NCE). An NCE allows for an extension of the period of performance on a project without requesting any additional funding. NCE requirements vary from sponsor to sponsor. Some federal sponsors will allow the University of Oregon (UO) to approve a one time, no-cost extension for up to twelve (12) months. Most sponsors require that this be done 30 days prior to the project end date. See Expanded Authorities and Project Changes for more information on grantee-approved extensions.

Requesting an NCE
To request an NCE, the unit DGA should complete the electronic No-Cost Extension Request Form on Smartsheet.

Sponsor Prior Approval
If an award is not subject to expanded authorities and the extension requires sponsor prior approval, it is important to notify the sponsor as soon as possible: as much as 90 days in advance of the project end date. Information typically needed by the sponsor includes the following information, which should also be submitted via the Smartsheet above.

  • A justification for the request;
  • The extension period requested;
  • A statement of work completed and work remaining; and
  • A statement of funds expended and budget available for remaining work.

Your Post-Award Team will submit the request for extension to the sponsoring agency. Upon approval of the revised project end date by the sponsor, the updates will be processed in EPCS and the accounting system.