
Successfully obtaining an external award to conduct research is a significant achievement. There are a number of steps to move from the exciting news of receiving a new award to ensuring your success in executing your newly funded research project.

Most awards are made to the University of Oregon as the official Grantee and not to the Principal Investigator (PI; except for some faculty awards). It is the responsibility of Sponsored Projects Services (SPS), in collaboration with the PI and the Department Grant Administrators, to monitor and administer those awards.

Most awards also come with very specific terms and conditions and in partnership with SPS, PIs must follow these terms, which often include the submission and/or review of fiscal reports, sponsor invoicing, and grant close-out processes. The chart below provides characteristics of common award types. Given the variations in different awards, please reach out to your Post Award Team for guidance and questions. 



Cooperative Agreements

Financial assistance awarded to carry out an approved project or activity with limited project oversight by the sponsor

A mechanism of agreement for a product or service with specific obligations from both the sponsor and the university

Financial assistance mechanism used when a sponsor anticipates substantial programmatic involvement during award activities