Award Setup

Award Notification

Once a proposal has been funded, Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) typically receives notice that an award has been made or a contract is being prepared. If the Principal Investigator (PI) receives any notification, they should forward the notification to SPS immediately for processing. The University of Oregon (UO) can initiate a project once formal notification is received.

Award Negotiation

Many award instruments require both sponsor and UO signatures (bilateral agreement) before they become effective. Principal Investigators are not authorized to sign award documents on behalf of the UO.

When an award document is received which requires UO signature in order to be effective, it is the responsibility of SPS to negotiate terms and obtain signatures. Upon receipt of the fully executed documents, SPS will process the award and forward a copy of the award to the PI, any Co-PIs and Department Grant Administrator (DGA).

On occasion, a sponsor may award support for an investigator without a formal proposal being submitted through the UO. In such cases, formal approval of the project, through EPCS as described in the Planning for Proposal Preparation section of this manual, must be completed prior to SPS's acceptance of the award. Additional compliance requirements, such as IRB approvals for human subjects or IACUC approvals for vertebrate animal use and management of any Conflict of Interest issues must also be completed prior to award establishment by SPS.

What to Look for in a Notice of Award

Most notice of award documents should answer the following questions. For any questions regarding your award documents, contact your Post-Award team.
  • What are the active dates of the award?
  • Who is responsible for the project?
  • How much funding is provided?
  • Are there additional funding years?
  • Is there a cost sharing requirement? 
  • What are the reporting obligations?
  • What work is to be done?
  • What are the invoicing and payment terms?
  • What are the terms and conditions for the award?
  • Are there special rules?

Account Set-Up

Once an award has been received and accepted, SPS will establish a grant index number and enter the budget into the BANNER Financial Information System (FIS). SPS will prepare an Account Set-Up Notice which summarizes accounting information, including the BANNER FIS award index number that has been uniquely assigned to this project. All project expenses will be charged to this number.

To ensure compliance with Federal guidance, each new project will receive a new award number in our systems. New competitive segments of long-term projects may also receive new award numbers. Often it is necessary to establish multiple indexes (funds) within an award number to reflect contract terms. Below are the criteria when separate indices (funds) will be established. 

  • The agreement does not allow for automatic carry-forward between project years
  • The agreement includes multiple F&A rates within the project period
  • The agreement includes terms and conditions that require separate programmatic and fiscal tracking of distinct tasks
  • The project includes multiple PIs with budget authority for their component of the work
  • The sponsor provides for supplemental funding (in which case a new EPCS record will need to be completed)

It is the PI's responsibility to become familiar with the requirements and restrictions of the project by referring to the Account Set-Up Notice and the previously-distributed award documentation. Please contact your Post-Award team for guidance on these documents.

The administering unit should review the new award promptly and meet with the PI for expense planning. Unit personnel need to take the appropriate actions to establish award expenditures, such as: payroll, subawards, purchasing, and cost sharing.

Sponsor Payments

Most awards are made on a cost-reimbursable basis and the UO is reimbursed for actual expense incurred. This reimbursement usually takes place on a monthly basis by either invoicing the sponsor or by requesting funds in their online portal. Some awards are fixed price by deliverable or schedule. All invoicing is done by Sponsored Project Services. If you have questions about payment terms or invoicing, please contact your Post-Award team.

Occasionally, sponsors may send checks directly to a department or to a PI. Should the PI receive a sponsor check, they should notify SPS and deliver to the UO Cashier Office along with identifying information for deposit to the project account. Please forward all accompanying documents to SPS.