All travel requests and reimbursements must be entered into Concur, regardless of whether the trip is domestic or international.
Export controls receives information from the UO Travel Office about employees' international travel, and the Export Control Officer may contact travelers prior to their trip, depending on the destination and purpose. An export control license may be required before the travel occurs.
Export controls and the Information Security Office highly recommend taking a clean loaner laptop to foreign countries of concern that pose a high risk of data theft or breech of the UO network upon return. While loaner laptops are highly recommended for all travel to foreign countries of concern, there are certain situations that the Export Control Officer may require that a traveler uses a loaner laptop for the duration of the travel.
Export controls has worked with the Information Security Office, Safety and Risk Services, and Business Affairs Travel Office to develop a checklist of compliance and safety steps to take prior to international travel. The checklist is customizable by the destination.
Generate Customized International Travel Checklist