Protocol Review

IACUC Protocol Review Process

  1. The IACUC protocol review process begins with a protocol submission via the Research Administration Portal (RAP).
  2. Initial screening (pre-review) is performed by the IACUC staff and AWS. This first review ensures that proposed housing, source of animals, drugs and dosages, and animal use procedures meet NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals standards and comply with federal regulations and campus guidelines and policies.
    1. The IACUC will contact the applicant if clarifications or revisions are necessary.
  3. After pre-review, the protocol is processed via administrative, Veterinary Verification Consultation (VVC), or IACUC review.
    1. If the protocol goes administrative review, the next step is post review, then final approval.
    2. If the protocol goes VVC, the next step is post review, then final approval.
    3. If the protocol goes IACUC review, it then enters grace period.
      1. The original or revised protocol is distributed to all IACUC members for review.
      2. The protocol may be assigned to designated or full committee review.
        1. The designated reviewer may approve or require modifications.
        2. The full committee may approve, require modifications, or withhold approval.
      3. After the grace period and review, the protocol enters post review, then final approval.

Protocol Submission Timeline

It is recommended that protocols be submitted at least 90 days before the use of animals is to begin. This lead time is required because protocols frequently require revisions before they can be submitted to the full IACUC for review. Please contact the IACUC Office for protocol submission deadlines and visit the IACUC meeting schedule webpage.

IACUC Research Administration Portal (RAP)