Purpose: To give a general overview of the University of Oregon and its institutional animal care and use program.
Scope: All University faculty, researchers, staff and students who use or care for animals.
The UO is a comprehensive research university and the only Oregon member of the Association of American Universities. Its programs of instruction are designed to provide an opportunity for students to obtain a high-quality education in liberal arts and sciences as well as professional preparation. Its instructional, research, and public-service programs advance scientific and humanistic knowledge and serve the educational, cultural, and economic needs of all Oregonians.
To achieve these goals, the UO offers programs in the College of Arts and Sciences and in the professional schools of architecture and allied arts (including planning, public policy and management), business administration, education, human development and performance, journalism, law, and music.
The Office of Animal Welfare Services (AWS) is responsible for managing and administering a centralized program of laboratory animal care which is in compliance with the federal Animal Welfare Act, the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, and the U.S. Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research, and Training. AWS is an academic service unit (for research and teaching) which reports to the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies. The functions of AWS are daily animal care, veterinary care, provision of research services, surgical assistance and patient monitoring, purchase of live vertebrates, disbursement of controlled substances, and training of research and technical personnel who use live animals for research or teaching.
Animal Welfare Services (AWS) reports to the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation (VPRI). The Vice President for Research reports to the Senior Vice President and Provost. Cassandra Moseley, Interim Vice President for Research is the Institutional Official (IO) and assumes the highest level of authority and responsibility for the animal care and use program. Cassandra Moseley reports to Patrick Phillips, Senior Vice President and Provost. The Interim Director for AWS, Dr. Kathy Snell, is authorized to administer the animal care and use program in a manner complying with all relevant policies and guidelines. The Director of the AWS reports directly to the Institutional Official. The AWS Director collaborates with the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) in reviewing protocols, monitoring research, investigating problems related to animal use, and formulation of institutional policy.
The Attending Veterinarian, Dr. Kathy Snell, empowered by and reporting to the Institutional Official and the AWS Director, has delegated authority to assure veterinary care compliance with PHS Policy and the Animal Welfare Act. The AWS Director interacts on a daily basis with the AWS Attending Veterinarian, and both AWS Director and Attending Veterinarian interact regularly with the Clinical Veterinarian, Varinia Acosta and the ZIRC Veterinarian, Dr. Katy Murray.
The IACUC reports directly to the Institutional Official, Cassandra Moseley, Interim Vice President for Research, who oversees compliance issues related to the animal care program and reports directly to Patrick Philips, the UO Provost.
Approved by | Date | |
IACUC Committee | June 2016 |
Revision History: July 2013, Sept 2021