IACUC Lab Personnel Changes

Adding or editing personnel

To create a research team:

  1. From the Dashboard, click the Create menu and then select Create Research Team.
  2. Type a name for the research team and select the principal investigator (PI).
    • Note: If you are not the PI, add yourself as a team member if you will create team procedures and substances.
  3. Complete the rest of the pages, click Save and then click Finish. The research team workspace appears.

Note: If you want a lab member to be able to submit amendments, they need to be assigned as PI Proxy on your team and protocol. Without this role, the person is not allowed to perform those actions.

To edit a research team:

  1. From the IACUC tab, click on the Research Team to be edited.
  2. From the selections on the left, click Edit Research Team.
  3. From that space you can either click on the + Add button to add a new member or click on the blue X to the far right of the individual name to remove the team member.
  4. Click Save and then click Finish.
  5. Remember: Adding personnel to a Research Team does NOT automatically add them to a protocol.

To update protocol team members:

To add new personnel to a protocol, you need to first add them to your research team as above, then make an amendment to add or remove personnel from the protocol team members.

To create a personnel amendment on a protocol:

  1. From the IACUC tab, click on the appropriate Research Team.
  2. Click on the appropriate submission.
  3. From the selections on the left, click Create Amendment.
  4. Under Question 2, describe the changes, enter Personnel Update.
  5. Under Question 3, describe rationale for changes, enter the same and click Continue.
  6. From the selections on the left, choose Protocol Team Members.
  7. Either click on the + Add button to add a new member or click on the blue X to the far right of the individual name to remove the team member.
  8. Once finished adding or removing team members, click Save and then click Exit.
  9. You will see the amendment in Pre-submission state.
  10. Click the Submit button to send the amendment to the IACUC office. 

Note: Your amendment will not be reviewed until you click the Submit button.

To check team members' training:

Checking the team member training can be done in two sections in your protocol. In the approved protocol this can be done in the "Procedure Personnel Assignment" Smartsheet. The other option is in the protocol workspace. Select the Training tab in the center of the page, and this will show the training by member and the expiration dates for each. 

The CITI comes over from the system nightly. Other trainings are entered by the facilities or labs.