Students in University of Oregon classes are occasionally asked to participate in research. In such cases, the researcher should ask the instructor to give her/his permission to use class time to conduct a study. Because students in classrooms comprise a captive audience, care should be taken to respect their rights as subjects and as students. If participation as a subject is part of the academic work of a student, it must not be a coercive requirement, and informed consent, if appropriate, must be obtained.
When researchers are targeting their own students as potential participants, students may feel unable to decline participation or nervous about how their decision not to participate may impact their grades or relationship with their instructor or the university. This can create undue influence to participate in the research. Researchers who wish to target their own students should provide the IRB with a plan for how they will minimize the potential for undue influence. For example, if it is possible for the researcher to have a research assistant or another person who is not in a position of authority over the students to help collect consent forms and hold on to those consent forms until after grades are due, that is one way undue influence may be minimized. We also strongly suggest adding a statement to the consent form letting students know that their decision not to participate or to withdraw from the study will not impact their grades, relationship with the instructor or standing at the University. Researchers targeting their own students should also provide the IRB with a conflict of interest (COI) form to explain how they will manage any potential conflict. See our Applications, Forms and Guidance website for the most recent copy of the COI form.
Alternate means of receiving credit if a student chooses not to participate or chooses to withdraw during the course of the study should be provided. To assure that students feel free to refuse to participate without concern that the evaluation of their classroom performance will be affected, the instructor should not be present during any research activities. Furthermore, the instructor should not be informed nor be aware of who participates.
When investigators wish to audio record or video record university classes, students have the right to refuse participation. State laws may also impact your activities. For more information, please refer to our website on audio recording, video recording and photography. Students should not be penalized by losing significant classroom instruction in the event they decide not to be recorded. The following procedures should be used:
- The investigator must notify students in advance that the class session will be recorded. We also suggest including a sign noting that recording is in session.
- Recording must be stopped long enough before the end of the class to allow students to ask questions without appearing on the recording.
- Students must be given a full explanation of the project after the recording and given the option to arrange for deletion of their participation on the recording.
- When students are minors, parent/guardian permission will be required unless waived by the IRB. This permission should also describe any recordings being done.
Because research involves time that would otherwise be used for instructional activities, departments may wish to promulgate policies with regard to classroom research. The CPHS/IRB recognizes that participating in research and receiving information about the research may be pedagogically relevant.