National Institutes of Health Proposal Writing Resources

This page provides tools for researchers applying to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for research funding. To begin, review the NIH grants website. Please use the additional resources below to help you design, write, and meet the requirements for proposals to the NIH.

Proposal Support by Funding Type

The buttons below will take you to a page with a checklist and templates based on the NIH  guidance for each component of a particular NIH grant mechanism. Use the templates to begin writing each element, and use the checklist to keep track of timing and what parties at UO are responsible for various pieces of an application. Please reach out to Research Development Services if you need checklists and/or templates for other NIH programs.

Guidance & Resources

Ways to Improve Proposal-Writing Skills

Resources to support the new proposal writer in learning the style and technique for this specialized writing

Specialized Proposal Prep Resources

Internal UO resources available to PIs to improve their proposals

Research Development Services Training Videos

NIH Resources

The NIH has produced significant content on various elements of the agency, proposal preparation, and merit review. 

2023 NIH Conference Resources found on the NIH resource page

Examples of Materials:
  • Grant Writing for Success
  • Let's Take a Look at Peer Review
  • NIH Grant Basics and Need-to-Know Resources
  • NIH Peer Review: “Live” Mock Study Section with Extended Q&A
  • Understanding NIH Programs

Brief Tutorials

  • eRA Commons Overview (4 min): An overview of eRA Commons, the IT infrastructure for managing NIH grants. All applicants must have an eRA account before proposal submission.
  • How to Get a User ID for eRA Commons (2 min): Highlights the steps an institutional official takes to create your account in eRA Commons.
  • NIH RePORTER Tool (5 min): Learn RePORTER database is a repository of all grant-funded projects funded by the NIH. (5 min)
  • NIH Matchmaker (3 min): Learn about Matchmaker, an extension of the NIH RePorter system that makes it easy to find which Centers and Institutes have funded similar work to your proposed project and find the right program officers to contact before submitting your application. (3 min)
  • A Walk-through of the PHS Human Subjects & Clinical Trials Information Form (6 min): A walk-through filling out the PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials form, which is used to collect detailed study-level information for the protocols including in NIH applications. (6 min)