Workflow: DGA Intake Form and Routing

A series of six arrows depicting the workflow. The first is highlighted and is D G A intake form. Second is P I review and approval. Third is S P S post-award. Fourth is S P S finance team. Fifth is S P S research contracts. Sixth is executed subaward.

These workflow steps are for the DGA to complete, or for whomever in the department is responsible for initiating a subaward request to SPS.

1. Log in to the SPS Portal at:

NOTE: If this is your first time logging in, you must first complete the account setup steps. Please see the page “Accessing the portal and account setup

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2. Click on “Create Intake Form.”
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3. Select “Subaward” as the Form Type, which is currently the only option.
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4. Click on “Select a Department” under “Department Information” to bring up the 3rd Level Department selection tool.
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5. Search or scroll down to find and select your 3rd Level Department name/org. code and click “Select” to populate it into the intake form.
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6. Next click on “Select a Department” under “Department Information” to bring up the 5th Level Department selection tool.
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7. Search or scroll down to find and select your 5th Level Department name/org. code and click “Select” to populate it into the intake form.
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8. The 3rd and 5th level department names and org. codes should now both be populated in the intake form.
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9. Select “Yes” if this subaward is an amendment to a previous subaward or “No” if it is a new subaward.
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10. If “Yes” is selected, you will be asked to tie it to the parent subaward matter in the portal, plus you must note which amendment number this specific amendment is. Use a decimal (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc.) to note the amendment number.
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11. If you click on “Select a Matter” to tie this amendment to the parent subaward matter, search or scroll down to find the relevant subaward matter and click “Select” to tie the amendment to the parent subaward.
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12. Note that the current matter number will be automatically appended to denote the amendment number. In this example “(Amend 1)” was automatically added.
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13. If the original subaward agreement was executed prior to the SPS Portal going live, you will select the “This Matter amends a Non-Portal Agreement” box.
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14. If you selected that this matter is an amendment, this will trigger logic to show you some required “Amendment Questions.” Please answer these accordingly to proceed.
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15. The next section contains UO’s information

a. Under “Principal Investigator” choose “Select a Person” and use the search tool to select the PI for the project.

b. The “Administering DGA” will normally already be populated with your name if you initiated the matter intake form. If not, choose “Select a Person” and use the search tool to select the correct DGA for this matter.

c. Under “UO Grant Number” please enter the internal award number for the project.

d. Select whether the funding agency is federal or non-federal.

e. Enter the project title.

f. Enter a unique identifier if you want to have an internal reference for this subaward matter that is helpful to you to differentiate between matters.

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16. The next section covers the subrecipient’s information.

a. Click “Select a Subrecipient” to choose the subrecipient entity that will receive the subaward. Note: if the subrecipient entity is not in the portal database, it will need to be added. See “Subrecipients: Adding a New Subrecipient Entity to the Database” to add a new subrecipient entity.

b. Click “Add New Person” under “Subrecipient Primary Contact” to add them to this subaward. Their other contact information will then auto populate. Note: if the person is not currently listed in the subrecipient entity’s profile, they will need to be added. See “Subrecipients: Adding a New Subrecipient Contact to the Subrecipient’s Profile” for adding a new contact to the subrecipient’s profile.

c. Click on “Select a Person” to add the subrecipient’s Principal Investigator to the record. Note: as with other contacts, if the PI is not currently listed in the subrecipient entity’s profile, they will need to be added. See “Subrecipients: Adding a New Subrecipient Contact to the Subrecipient’s Profile” for adding a new contact to the subrecipient’s profile.

d. Select “Yes” if this subrecipient was budgeted and proposed in the original proposal. Select “No” if this subrecipient is being added to the project after the fact.

If you selected “No” in the previous step, you will be asked if sponsor approval has been obtained for the new subrecipient. If you answer “Yes,” you will be asked to upload a copy of the sponsor approval. If you answer “No,” expect a follow up from SPS to your department.

Before selecting the subrecipient:

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After selecting the subrecipient:

Ideal logic subrecipient information screen.

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17. The next section captures key information about the subaward agreement.

a. Enter the subaward start date.

b. Enter the subaward end date.

c. Enter the total subaward amount.

d. For the current budget period, enter the start and end dates. If the subaward only spans one year, this will be the same as the start/end dates from a) and b) above.

e. Enter the total funding for the current budget period. If the subaward only spans one budget period, it will be the same amount as entered in c) above.

f. If the subaward spans multiple years/budget periods, please click“+ Expected Incremental Funding Year” button to bring up a dialog box and add each out year (2, 3, 4, 5, etc.) and the anticipated amount for each year.


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Ideal logic subrecipient information screen.
18. Check “Yes,” “No,” or “N/A” if the PI authorizes automatic carryover of unspent funds from previous years of the subaward agreement to the current year, if allowed by the terms and conditions of the prime award.
Ideal logic carryover authorization screen.


19. Upload the required documents from the subrecipient entity in the slots provided, including the:

a. Subrecipient’s Statement of Work

b. Subrecipient’s Budget

c. Subrecipient’s Budget Justification

d. Subrecipient’s Letter of Commitment

Also choose “Yes” or “No” as to whether the subrecipient is providing any cost sharing. If “Yes,” you will be required to upload details of the subrecipient’s commitment of cost sharing, such as a letter on behalf of their institution authorizing cost sharing, a cost sharing budget, etc.

Ideal logic required documents screen.

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20. Lastly, there is a free text box where you can enter additional information relevant to the proposed subaward agreement, plus there is an upload dialog where you can add additional files not previously added in the required document section, if they are relevant to the review of the proposed subaward.
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21. If your subaward intake form is complete, you will see a dialog box telling you to click the “Submit Intake Form” button. Once clicked, the intake information will route to your listed PI for their review and digital approval. This concludes the intake form step and initiates workflow.

Ideal logic submit intake form button.