Foreign Travel Security Training

As directed by National Security Presidential Memoradum-33 (NSPM-33), principal investigators (PIs), co-principal investigators (co-PIs), senior/key personnel, program directors (PDs), co-program directors (co-PDs), project managers, and anyone else identified in the request for proposals, notice of funding opportunity, or award terms and conditions must complete Foreign Travel Security Training if they travel internationally for organization business, teaching, conference attendance, or research purposes, regardless of whether the travel will be charged to a sponsored project.

Who Is Required to Take the Training: Principal investigators (PIs), co-principal investigators (co-PIs), senior/key personnel, program directors (PDs), co-program directors (co-PDs), project managers, and anyone else identified in the request for proposals, notice of funding opportunity, or award terms and conditions who travels internationally for business, teaching, conference attendance, or research purposes.

How Often is Training Required?: Every 6 years

When Does Training Need to Be Completed?: Prior to international travel

How Long Does Training Take?: 1 hour

How Do I Access the Training?: The training will be available in MyTrack Learning beginning March 2025