
Does your protocol require IACUC review?


Question 1

Are you proposing research, providing housing/exhibition of animals, or training students involving vertebrate or cephalopod animals?      
Yes: Proceed to question 2     
No: No IACUC review is required      

Question 2

Where is the project going to be conducted?     
Laboratory: Proceed to question 3    
Field/Zoo/Other: Proceed to question 4

Question 3

Will the project be conducted with specimens only, or will the project include live animals?  
Specimen only: Contact the IACUC and IBC    
Live animals: IACUC Review is Required

Question 4

Will the project be observations only, or does the project include animal manipulation?  
Observation only: Download the 'Exempt Research' Form and submit to the IACUC
Animal manipulation*: IACUC Review is Required

*Animal manipulation is defined as the capture, handling, housing, transportation, treatment, and euthanasia of animals. This also includes visiting sensitive areas such as nesting sites and breeding areas, close approach during sensitive phases of life cycles, or potential disturbances (tape playbacks of calls).