Financial Conflict of Interest in Research Required Training

All investigators responsible for the design, conduct, and reporting of sponsored research are required by federal funding agencies and UO policy to complete financial conflict of interest training before they can expend funds on a newly received award.

The UO uses the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) to administer the required training. Download our step-by-step guide for adding the COI Researcher module. You're also welcome to email us and we can add it for you.

CITI offers instructions on how to affiliate the University of Oregon with your account if you have not already done so.

Completing the training satisfies the requirement for three years, and investigators must pass the COI Researcher module with an 80% score or higher.

Login to CITI with Your Duck ID

Learning Objectives

The CITI COI Researcher module:

  • Provides information about University of Oregon’s policies related to conflicts of interest
  • Describes investigator responsibilities as they relate to financial conflicts of interest in research
  • Defines Significant Financial Interest (SFI)
  • Describes what to expect after investigators submit an SFI disclosure
  • Provides investigators with related regulations and additional resources

CITI Training and the Research Administration Portal

Investigators must have current training before they can submit or update a disclosure in the Research Administration Portal. Training dates take two days to migrate from CITI into the portal.

In order for the training dates to migrate correctly from CITI into the portal:

  • The first name in the CITI profile must match the preferred first name as listed in DuckWeb.
  • The last name in the CITI profile must match the last name in banner.
  • The UO email address must be the primary email address in CITI.
  • The account must be affiliated with the University of Oregon. (See CITI instructions on how to affiliate your account with the UO.)

Need Help with CITI?
Email Us

Additional Training

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) offers extensive resources about financial conflicts of interests: