Conflict of Interest and Commitment

Teaching, research, administration, and public service are essential to the UO's mission, and the UO encourages employees to engage in outside activities that advance the mission of the university.

Under certain circumstances, employees need to disclose and receive prior approval for engaging in outside activities to prevent or manage conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment. Employees submit disclosures of their outside activities using the Research Administration Portal (RAP).

Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment, and Outside Activities

Applies to: All UO employees, including sponsored researchers, professors emerit, and those on courtesy appointments

When to disclose: Prior to engaging in an outside activity that is not exempt under the policy

The Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment, and Outside Activities Policy ("COI/COC Policy") helps UO employees meet Oregon State ethics laws while engaging in activities outside of the UO.

Financial Conflict of Interest in Research

Applies to: Sponsored researchers only

When to disclose: Annually and within 30 days of a change in outside activities

The Financial Conflict of Interest in Research Policy ("FCOI Policy") helps UO researchers meet federal financial conflict of interest in research regulations. This policy has specific training and reporting requirements.