Human Subjects Research

Our Research Compliance Services unit supports the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects (CPHS), which serves as the University of Oregon's Institutional Review Board (IRB). The mission of the CPHS/IRB is to protect the rights and welfare of people participating in University of Oregon research.

Institutional Review Board Action Plan for Continuous Quality Improvement

Upcoming Trainings

We periodically offer training on different topics. None are planned at this time but check back in 2025. If you have suggestions for topics, please use our suggestion box below. We appreciate your feedback!

We also recently had a workshop on applying our new Research Plan Guidance. A recording of this workshop will be posted in the near future on the Human Subject Research/IRB Trainings page

Training on other topics will be added in the future. If additional trainings are offered again in the future, we will advertise them here and also on the OVPRI newsletter the Frontline

Office Hours

RCS Office Hours are currently held via Teams on the days and times indicated below. However, starting on April 2nd, Office Hours will be moved to Zoom so the links below will no longer work after that date. Until then, use the applicable link below during the time period noted to join remotely on Teams. No appointment needed. 

Wednesdays 1:00–3:00 p.m.

Fridays 9:00–11:00 a.m.

Human Subjects Research Information

For information on human subjects research, including instructions on applying for review and approval of research projects involving human subjects, please see the links below. For terminology, see our HSR definitions document. 

All studies (both RAP and Legacy) can now be accessed in the RAP. See the Transitioning Studies to the RAP for more information. All legacy studies must be fully transitioned to the RAP, including all study documents, by no later than January 30, 2026. Access the RAP here.

Reminders - Submit/Resubmit:

  • If you are working on a new submission, make sure you click "Submit" on the left hand side of the page in the RAP (under Next Steps) to submit your study for review. The review process cannot begin until this step is complete.
  • If you were asked to make changes during IRB review, make sure you click "Submit Response" on the left hand side of the page in the RAP (under Next Steps) to resubmit your study for review. The review process cannot continue until this step is complete.


If you have questions, please contact Research Compliance Services.

We invite you to provide your feedback and suggestions to Research Compliance Services through our above suggestion box. Your response can be anonymous. We greatly appreciate your time and feedback!

Please take a moment to complete the above survey. This survey provides feedback to Research Compliance Services for program evaluation. Your responses can be anonymous, and you are not required to answer all questions. We greatly appreciate your time and feedback!